Why do people say words like, 'My Gurudev' or, 'My Master'? It is like saying, 'My Sun', or 'My Moon'.
Don't log on to their words, it is a feeling. Language always has ‘My’ and ‘I’, you cannot speak without these words. Even if you speak without them, it doesn't make much sense. It doesn’t imply anything much bigger.
Let people say whatever they want to say. My master, or my mom, or my son, so what? As long as there is a sense of belongingness, there is a personal connection, there is love, and life, it is good. When you think something is very personal, then automatically ‘My' comes.
Why do you have to worry about what others say? There is no point in latching onto their words, and getting yourself to think that they should or they shouldn't , and all such things. See their feelings, see their intention. If you can, see them beyond their words.