Gurudev, you are an amazing manager. The Art of Living organization has grown in such a short time, beyond what one can imagine. I am a manager too, please give me some management tips?
Yes, all these programs, the APEX (Achieving Personal Excellence) program and the corporate programs are all to give you those tips in packages and capsules.
Remember one thing, the manager of the Universe is not so obvious. The one who manages this universe does not make it so obvious that he is doing it; or that He is in control.
Similarly, manage from behind. Leading from behind is the best.
When you want to lead a project you should not emphasize your leadership too much. You should do it from behind.
There is a saying in Sanskrit, Paroksha Priyahi Vai Devaha, which means that the Gods like to do things indirectly and not so obviously.
A person feels, 'I am doing it', but it is the Gods who make them do it. So they give the people the joy of feeling that they are doing it, but in reality, it is the Divine energy that does it in a subtle manner, which is not so obvious.