During the Sandhya Vandanam, we say, ‘I am the Brahman’. But after it, we bow down to the directions. What is the meaning of this?
See, it is all an exercise to keep the mind free, that’s all. We bow down to all the directions, that is the way we get our mind free from all that bugs that bother our mind. So if you like it, do it, if you don’t like it, then don’t do it! It’s only an exercise to free ourselves. That’s all I can say, I can’t speak for people from the past who made it, or who didn’t make it. All I can say is, look into your own mind and see how you can save your mind.
One very beautiful thing that we can remind ourselves again and again is kshama (functioning in the now). Kshama means utter peace from inside and mental centeredness. It is saying, "Come what may, this wealth of mine (peace) will never go, this is part of me".
This you must carry -- that you have the wealth inside you called kshama. The moment you remember this, the restlessness and all the chattering of the mind starts easing out.
Kshama is the original clear glass that is transparent. If it’s not transparent today it is because of the dust, but it is going to settle down. All the buzz and activity is like the dust on the glass. Remembering the glass is very transparent and very clean, the dust will start giving way, clarity will dawn. In meditation, that’s what you should do. When you sit in meditation, just let go, then you will find that deep inside, the peace that you are, which is unblemished, untouched, unspoiled and intact.