Gurudev, how come some people come to The Art of Living, experience this path, and then suddenly change their mind and go away. I really cannot understand this.
See, there are different types of people on this planet. Again I am telling you, when for someone time is not good, they go away, then later on they come back. People stop all this and suddenly, they start again. All these different types of people are there. You don't worry about the attitude of others' — why someone stopped meditating and went back to doing wrong things, etc. They will start again when the time is right.
What you need to see is are they happy? Many people who leave are not happy. They look miserable, and when the misery goes beyond a certain level, they come back. Have you not seen this happening? We see this every day. It’s like a tree has lots of fruits and people start enjoying the fruits and forget to water the tree. When the tree starts drying, fruits start dwindling, and when this happens then they start watering the tree again. This is human nature.
This has happened in the past with all the prophets. Some of the closest people to the prophets turned against them. They went away from the path. Hasn't it happened? The law of karma is unfathomable. It’s vast, it’s huge. You cannot try to understand that as 2 + 2 = 4. . It’s not like that.