It is said that there are many instances of changing the body structure in Ayurveda. Could you please speak about this?
Yes, this is a whole science. By taking many types of anti-oxidants and some herbs, doing some exercises and some massages, people rejuvenate their bodies. This is an ancient technique which people in this part of the world have been using to make their body very strong.
You saw the other day, on 13th May, a 70-year-old man came and demonstrated all the different things that he could do -- bend an iron rod by just holding the breath. Through some pranayama, enormous strength can be developed in the body. With little sleep and less food you can do a lot of work.
Many times, I say, though there are many young people, I feel much younger than the young people. These days, the stamina of young people has gone down so much. A few extra minutes of work tires them so much! They keep saying, "Oh, I am so tired. I am so tired". I think we need to really look into this. How we can improve the stamina through Naturopathy, Yoga, Ayurveda and all that. There are numerous possibilities in this field.