Why is India the favorite destination for enlightened masters? Why is India the only country that is bestowed with a rich spiritual heritage? Is there something special about this land?
There have been saints in almost every part of the world. If you go to California, every city is named after a saint. Go to Quebec in Montreal, it is all named after different saints. Of course, India tops the list.
It is like asking, why are the Alps in Switzerland? Why are there such big beautiful lakes in America? Why does the Niagara only have such big falls? That is how it is! Every land is gifted with something special. Geysers are found in Yellowstone Park. From ages, India has been the land of knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment. Perhaps that is why today, when it comes to knowledge and IT, India has become number one, since it is a knowledge based industry. Perhaps, this land is more accustomed to knowledge. Higher wisdom or enlightenment is in the DNA of this land. But no part of the world is devoid of wisdom; go to China, Japan, there are many saints there.