Dear Gurudev, yesterday you said that the space around the Sun is negative energy. How can space which is empty be positive or negative?
No, I said, there is dark matter and dark energy. Dark energy is not negative. This is a scientific term for an energy which is not visible as a bright one. It is nothing to do with voodoo or black magic.
Physicists call the energy around the sun, or around the whole universe, which is invisible as dark energy and dark matter. So, I said, if an air bubble is trapped in a bottle of water, the air bubble is spherical because of the pressure of the water all around it. Similarly, the Sun is spherical because the energy around the sun is a million times more powerful than the Sun. That energy is called dark energy, it is not negative energy.
Dark is not bad. Krishna was also called dark. He never looked very fair. If you go to Africa, they have a picture of Jesus there and he looks dark too. So dark is considered to be beautiful! Language has its limitations, big time.