When you are defeated then you surrender, isn't it? This is one type of surrender, i.e., slavery.
Slaves surrender themselves. It is not really surrender from the heart, but it is just out of physical, mental and emotional weaknesses. You subjugate because of weakness. This is one type of surrender.
Now, in a spiritual sense, it is completely the other way around. In a spiritual sense, you are bothered by your negative emotions and negative qualities. And carrying it is a big botheration for you. Dropping all that negativity, which you do not want to carry, which you cannot handle is called 'Surrender', in the spiritual sense.
It is completely different and opposite to the western type of surrender, which means defeat. Here this type of surrender is winning over. You have won over yourself, your mind, and your negativity by dropping it and giving it away.
So, in a spiritual sense, surrender means strength, not slavery. That is why when you go to a vaishnava temple, they say 'Sharanagati', which means 'Surrender to God', and when you do sharanagati, they crown you. They take a silver crown and put it on your head. The meaning behind this in the spiritual sense is, if you have surrendered your negativity, you have become so strong that you become a king.
In Kannada it is said, 'Sharana Sharanarthhi', which means, 'I surrender to the surrendered one'.
Here, the saints are called surrendered ones. And the saints are the most powerful and most respected, because they have given up all their negativity and surrendered to the Divinity. When negativity is given away, we remain very positive and that is the sainthood. Sainthood cannot come without surrender, and sainthood is not slavery! Sainthood means being very powerful.
Sainthood and slavery, both use the word surrender. One surrenders their negative qualities, and the other accept their weaknesses. This is the difference between two sides of surrender. When you surrender your negative qualities, and all that you don’t want to have, you become powerful.
The spiritual type of surrender makes you very powerful, while the western type, makes you weak.
Now I want to take you one step further. What is there to surrender? There is nothing to surrender! Just relax.
Know everything, anyways belongs to the big mind, to the universe. Anyway, everything belongs to God.
Don’t struggle to surrender, thinking, 'Oh, I am not able to surrender a hundred percent', or, 'I am able to surrender hundred percent'. All this is just mental gymnastics. I tell you, drop all this, ust relax and be simple.
Purity in thought, clarity in mind and sincerity in action.
Let us understand what sacrifice means. You like something and you want to have it, but for something better to happen for everyone else, you give that up. That is called sacrifice.
You wanted to go for a picnic or a movie, but then you were needed to do some work somewhere else, which would benefit others. So you give up your pleasure trip, and do what is good for the people. That is what sacrifice is.
Where there is love, there is no sacrifice needed. You don’t say, mother sacrificed going on a trip because the child was not well. The child’s well being is of utmost importance for the mother, so she did not sacrifice anything. Do you see what I’m saying?
It is when you strongly desire something and give it up because it can bring lot of good to others, then it is sacrifice.
You came to know about this, that itself is one step ahead. Now, make a determination that you don’t care whether someone appreciates or not. 'Let me do what I need to do, and not worry about others'. That is it, then you will gain the strength needed.
Information is something that even a computer can give and take. Filling our mind with information is not Gyaan.
If a person reads a lot of books and knows all the information in those books, then we don’t say he is a Gyaani.
If someone mugs up the Vedas, the Quran, the Bible, etc., and keeps pointing to chapters, page numbers, verses, then this person has just collected information. He has mugged it all up, but that is not knowledge.
Gyaan is that which becomes an experience of life. It is that which sets you free. It is that which gives you a glimpse of the ocean of peace which is within you. It is that which raises a wave of love within you, and which brings a change in your personality.
Collecting information is something what many so called scholars do. They just collect the information and keep saying it. But if you try to get them to speak one word of wisdom, nothing comes out of them. This is because the knowledge has not permeated their life at all. They are still caught in raaga (desire), dvesha (bitterness), eersha (envy), ahankaar (ego). How can we call them knowledgeable (gyaani) then?
Where is there strength, it is only noise. Wrong people can only create noise. The right people may speak only a little here and there, at some point of time, but behind that there is strength. And it their tasks that are accomplished.
Yes, only when you feel pinched by your negative qualities, will you feel like surrendering. When there is a wound and you feel pain, only then you feel like surrendering. Then the thought comes, 'Let me surrender this and become empty'. How long will you suffer the pain? Suffer for as long as you can, but when you cannot do it anymore then surrender.
When you are experiencing pain and suffering, go through it, experience it. When you start feeling that you cannot take it anymore, then the voice of surrender arises automatically from within.