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Ability to Innovate
Celebrity Fashion Stylist My true calling is to make people look beautiful inside out. It is meditation that builds in me the mark of a good stylist with an ability to innovate in the moment and a passion to succeed. ... -
Better Memory
Indian Actress and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Meditation improves concentration. As an actor I have to remember my lines, my speeches so better concentration helps the memory. By being calm, I make less mistakes. ... -
Familie en relaties
Have you ever had these questions? How do I strike the right balance between my professional and personal life? How do I spend quality time with my family with so much of work pressure? How to keep people with different interests in harmony in my family? ... -
Cursussen met Sri Sri in Aken
23 Sep 2012 to 25 Sep 2012 De workshop bij de lezing „De nieuwste IT: Innerlijke Technologie voor vrede en geluk“ Leer van Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar zelf ontspanningstechnieken voor gezondheid en welzijn Op veler verzoek wordt naar aanleiding van de le ... -
Cursus ayurvedisch koken
Eat yourself some happiness Heb je je wel eens afgevraagd waarom je na het eten op de bank wegzakt en je minder energiek bent? En waarom er in je hoofd soms ontelbare gedachten rondzoemen en je prikkelbaar bent? En hoe komt het dat je altijd last heb van ... -
Prison SMART
"In iedere dader zit een slachtoffer dat om hulp roept. Ook deze persoon is een slachtoffer van onwetendheid, kleingeestigheid en gebrek aan bewustzijn. Het is de stress, het ontbreken van een brede visie op het leven, gebrek aan begrip en slechte co ... -
Prison-Program- South Africa
Prison Stress Management and Rehabilitation Training (Prison SMART) The vision of this program is to deliver its unique stress management training to prison inmates, individuals on parole, at risk and incarcerated youth and victims of crime. The program t ... -
De-Addiction Testimonial 1
recovered addict From my school life I started to experiment with various drugs and became an addict. I have abused drugs and alcohol for about 20 years. Due to my addiction, I lost many things such as family, friends, my job, money, talents, principles a ... -
Vedic Maths_testimonial1
MBA aspirant This course in Vedic Mathematics was an eye-opener for me. I came to know the real power of how complex calculations can be done mentally. It is really beneficial as it helps solve problems in a jiffy. It is an applied knowledge which can be ... -
Vedic Maths_testimonial2
Previously, I had an abject aversion towards Maths. But after doing this course, I seriously started loving the subject. Maths is now on my fingertips and solving problems does not scare me anymore. ...