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  1. Somewhere I have never traveled gladly beyond

    A reading enthusiast’s honest take on reading skills I confess. E.E. Cumming might not like what I just did. I borrowed the title of this story from his passionate love poem. But I had no choice. His words truly resonate what I’d like to say- only differe ...
  2. Being healthy at 60- 7 secrets to staying young & fit

    Jane Fonda famously said: “You could not pay me to be young again. After I turned 60, I began to understand who I was, and became young again.” Aging is not necessarily becoming older and biologically retired. It is merely a journey of becoming “chronolog ...
  3. A yogi in a Michelin-starred restaurant

    An ancient Indian way of eating is becoming a buzzword There we were, sitting in a fabulous Michelin-starred Japanese restaurant. One of my favorite. A reunion with friends, this evening promised to be memorable. Except when one of my friends, removed his ...
  4. 6 Tips on How to overcome laziness

    Little children show us the way How to overcome laziness? We would have found ourselves asking this question many times. Laziness is a phenomenon that affects us all. At times, we may find ourselves in constant battle with it, but for many of us, it’s a f ...
  5. How to chew food | A foodie's guide to guilt-free eating

    Diary of someone who has a sometimes-love-sometimes-hate relationship with food. Firstly, all is good with my world. No problem. Yes, I am passionately in love. Yet my love is equally ambivalent. If you don’t know the meaning of the ‘a’ word, I would sugg ...
  6. Craniosacral Therapy–An Introduction

    Almost a decade ago, I had developed a problem in my back. It was some sort of a disc issue. Once in a while I would have excruciating pain, that was ok- I could go through it. But almost all the time there was a persistent dull pain. This constant pain u ...
  7. A vegetarian gluten-free diet plan becomes a breeze with this read

    You must have heard it often in the news. It is the latest buzzword among the health-conscious – a gluten-free diet plan. What is it? Why are people gravitating towards it like it is holds the secret key to good health? Here, we try to unravel the various ...
  8. 7 Healthy Snacks For Kids To Eat After School

    Yay! Summer is approaching – sun, holidays, color all around. Such a welcome change after those cold, gloomy, wintry months… But, wait. Before you dance a jig, remember that summer also means ever-ravenous and cranky children who are never quite full. If ...
  9. How to deal with negative thoughts- 5 simple ideas

    It could be the occurrence of an event, a random comment, or an unnamed fear that took birth in your mind for no apparent reason. I’m referring to the source of negative thoughts. Strangely enough, it can begin with a good and a bad event or comment. How? ...
  10. 5 simple home remedies for PCOS

    PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition where women develop small cysts in their ovaries. It is not a serious or harmful condition, but it does cause hormonal changes in women. The multiple cysts on the ovaries lead to excessive hormone productio ...