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  1. How to be a good mentor?

    7 lessons from a headstrong 7th-grade teacher My 7th grade English teacher, Ms. M, had something about her. She liked pushing her students beyond their comfort zones. She would goad her students to debate, give theatrical performances, read books, brainst ...
  2. Why your stomach & joints will thank you for good spine health

    Why should you care about spine health? Do you stand for a few hours at a stretch? Carry heavy things, sometimes? Do you spend over two hours on your laptop / smartphone / tab? Drive a bike / scooter on poor roads? Is your furniture ergonomically *correct ...
  3. 5 Simple Tips to Become Your Child's Best Friend

    Parenting is, unarguably, one of the most stressful jobs in the world! What with few reference points, loads of trials and errors, and delayed and irreversible results of decisions taken, you are likely to agree with me! Especially if you are a parent! Ev ...
  4. How to remove negative energy from your home

    If we take the time to brood over life, one thing is clear. Life on earth is a life of dualism like light and dark or good and bad or positive and negative. We learn some hard lessons while we confront this duality in life. Casting away negativity is one ...
  5. 8 quotes from the past to make you rethink the idea of equality

    The world today, is rising against inequality. In such pressing times, let us not miss a key insight into a society facing prejudices: that all biases spring in the smallest unit of society- the human mind! Whether it be bullying on school playgrounds or ...
  6. Are you drinking water right?

    Back to the basics A shrill sound emanated from a corner of the room. Everybody looked up, wondering if a furry feathered-friend had decided to pay them a visit. Only one from the group of ten calmly headed for the little built-in pantry, drank a tall gla ...
  7. "Dinacharya" Tips To Optimise Health And Restore Natural Rhythm

    Dinacharya is a Sanskrit word made up of ‘dina’ meaning day and ‘acharya’ meaning activity. So dinacharya is the daily routine designed to maintain and connect us to our circadian rhythms or the internal body clock.  For millennia, Ayurveda has emphasised ...
  8. Why creativity might be just the dose you need

    Creativity is a simple tool, a little word that gives room to breathe in a world that is fast becoming mundane, strait-jacketed and routine. A world that is almost always mechanical. A few years ago, an article introduced me to ‘The Secret Garden’ and the ...
  9. Letting go my cross of Samskaras: Two decades with an Enlightened Master

    Continuing the diary of a psychologist series This biography is an honest account of my life. Me, a life energy, bundled perhaps amidst a zillion ‘ samskaras ’ (impressions), embedded and entangled amongst a myriad of mind and life situations. Yet I have ...
  10. Why you should opt for a naturopathy diet

    What would you choose? A general diet plan that contains all the required nutrition but may or may not agree with your system or healthy, natural and tasty food that agrees with your palate? This seems like a simple enough question, right? Naturally, the ...