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  1. Yoga for neck pain relief: A sure guide to living pain-free

    The fast pace of life today creates stress and tension that takes a toll on our health- mental, physical and emotional. The neck is the tender most part of the body. Lifestyle and professions revolving around technology require us to sit crouching before ...
  2. 13 Benefits of Surya Namaskar

    For centuries, people from all civilizations have offered prayers to the sun – the ultimate source of life and energy. One such practice is the yogic sequence of Surya Namaskar. Let’s get to know the importance and benefits of Surya Namaskar for a healthy ...
  3. Yoga to Balance and Open Up Chakras

    A chakra or a wheel is a point of prana (energy) in our subtle body, located in the physical counterparts of our body like the veins, arteries and nerves. Yoga is an extremely beneficial way to release the prana or life force whenever it is stuck. Yoga re ...
  4. Yoga For Back Pain Relief Quickly

    Does your back pain due to sitting or standing for long hours? Do this simple yoga exercise anytime, anywhere, and be free from backpain in just 5 minutes with All Direction Back Stretch! How To Do The All Direction Back Stretch Exercises? You can comfort ...
  5. Why Surya Namaskar for Kids & Students is a Must

    There is a common problem most of parents face these days: Have you often looked at your child’s report card and thrown your hands up in despair? You reason: he has good tuition, spends all his time at home with his books. Yet his marks don’t seem to refl ...
  6. Dear Parents… A Postcard From Yoga

    Dear Mom & Dad, How are you? I hope you remember me. I am your child’s friend. Yoga is my name. I was born centuries ago and I have supported people to have a healthy body and mind from time immemorial. During the war in Mahabharata, Lord Krishna intr ...
  7. How athletes can overcome mental blocks in sports

    Simone Biles has been best known for her gravity-defying flips and the ‘twisties’- on the floor, balancing beam, and bars, feats for which she has won Olympic gold- 4 times. However, during the Tokyo Olympics, her contribution to mental health and the Oly ...
  8. How yoga helped me during the COVID-19 pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic has become a major cause of stress in my small, beautiful world. Lack of proper sleep and a stressful life had led to a weakened immune system and vulnerability to sickness. Due to the global lockdown, my employment and economic clim ...
  9. Yoga in the pandemic

    YOGA is the complete blossoming of the human being to the ultimate and realization of the Self. It is also referred to as the 'UNION' of the JIVATMA with the PARMATMA. The path leading to this realisation may be tedious and tough, needing discip ...