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  1. Building Courage With Meditation

    Why amplifying inner strength & courage needs meditation Often in challenging times, we resort to the safe and familiar ways of reacting. Later, we regret that we weren't more courageous. For instance, when you have the choice between a comfortab ...
  2. Life Is Waiting For You To Smile

    Our body has the capacity to sustain the vibrations of bliss and peace much longer than negative emotions. That is because positivity is in the centre of our existence. Just as, in the structure of an atom, the protons and neutrons are in the centre and t ...
  3. How Meditation Can Boost Sports Performance

    Every athlete would agree that energy is a key ingredient to success in sport. Food, restful sleep, breath and meditation are the four sources of energy. The amount of energy gained from meditation is greater than that from sleep with 20 minutes of medita ...
  4. 7 Tips to Improve Your Golf Experience

    The sheer love of conquering the vast green expanse with a couple of clubs and a passionate precision makes many of us give up the comfort of staying indoors on a cozy afternoon and head out to our local golf course for a game or two. The game of golf is ...
  5. Understanding The Power of meditation

    “In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is like a laser beam – it is very powerful and healing can happen.” ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Just like how only a healthy bud can blossom, similarly, onl ...
  6. What Is The Most Important Ingredient To Make An Amazing Life?

    Having been brought up in United States, she had seen most people having a fast-paced, stressful, somewhat superficial life. She felt the need to slow down a little and delve more deeply into life, to go beneath the surface, and that’s when she discovered ...
  7. Meditation for Athletes

    A professional athlete’s key to success lies in his ability to manage all fronts equally well. As an athlete, do you sometimes feel you have to play the game not only on the field but in life too, juggling personal time with time for family, training, and ...
  8. Full Moon Meditation

    “Full moon meditation is very well known. The moon is also very connected to spiritual practices. You can say that these meditations are more compelling.”- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar The moon is an integral part of our lives. Whether it is celebrating a ...
  9. Music & Meditation: My Best Friends for Life

    Sahil Jagtiani, a renowned singer and musician, has been meditating for almost 16 years now.Sahil believes that meditation for him is like oxygen—something he cannot do without. It is from meditation that he gets ideas for his songs, and from meditation a ...
  10. Music & Meditation: A New Way of Life for the Youth

    Sahil Jagtiani embarked on his journey of music in high school, when he would write lyrics for his rock band and learn varied styles of lead and rhythm guitar. Music was his heart’s calling and he chose it as a career. It was only in college, when he turn ...