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  1. My Mother’s Gift Became My Life’s Direction

    From an athlete to a student; from an entrepreneur in organic products to a meditation teacher with students in diverse places such as Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Asia, USA, and Germany. San Jose’s Luis Diego Cob wears many hats. The one tha ...
  2. Meditation: You—Only Better!

    Working at Wall Street in the early 2000s, I got introduced to meditation as a result of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Due to the high anxiety levels of the people in New York City and the increased fear and hopelessness, many began ...
  3. Mullah Nasruddin & the Secrets of Relationships

    Mullah Nasruddin & the Secrets of Relationships Mullah Nasruddin is a satirical Sufi figure whose name is used in numerous stories to add a touch of wit and humour. His funny anecdotes make people burst into fits of laughter. Our relationships add col ...
  4. How to develop your personality with meditation?

    What does a great personality mean to you? Does it translate to someone dressed up to the nines or is it someone who is friendly, has a positive attitude and can maintain equanimity in the trough or peaks of life? Our personality is an expression of who w ...
  5. Start on a yoga diet with these easy 5 steps

    Kartik, 30, is a software engineer by profession and a photographer by hobby. His average week comprises of a 45-50 hours’ work schedule. Although he is a fitness enthusiast, his hectic schedule leaves very less time for him to keep his body in shape. Due ...
  6. Meditation: A Cherry On The Cake

    Leaving the past behind in every sense, Patricia (Patti) Montella moved on from a successful 20-year corporate career to an even more adventurous ride that changed her life—forever! For the last two decades, she has been practicing meditation and teaching ...
  7. Nine Effective, Natural, Proven Ways to Heal Migraine Headaches (Part 3)

    This is continued from  Nine Effective, Natural, Proven Ways to Heal Migraine Headaches (Part 2) #7 Learn a few relaxation techniques this season One of the relaxation techniques that we can offer is the Sudarshan Kriya (SK), a unique breathing and relaxa ...
  8. Nine Effective, Natural, Proven Ways to Heal Migraine Headaches (Part 2)

    This is continued from Nine Effective, Natural, Proven Ways to Heal Migraine Headaches (Part 1) #3 Try a healthy diet Have you noticed your eating patterns lately? Do you stress more on a junk diet or do you prefer a healthy one. Did you know that the kin ...
  9. Shifting a continent- A Peace Campaign for Africa

    An Art of Living teacher who has spent the last 19 years teaching meditation to people across South Africa & Africa- Meet Vani Pavadai. A pioneer Art of Living teacher in Africa, and inspired by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s vision of a stress-free, ...
  10. Meditation is Deep Rest

    Q: Could you advise on what is the best way of going into meditation. And is there any kind of special music which can enable you to access that space better? (Ritu Kumar: Fashion designer from India (Recipient of the Padmashree in 2013)) Gurudev: Meditat ...