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  1. How to be woke and happy at the same time?

    “I wish I were a dog!”  “Why?” “They always seem so carefree, happy, and relaxed.” “Why don’t you try being that way then?” “But then I feel like I am living in denial and not facing the reality of life. I mean I want to be happy but I don’t want to be ig ...
  2. 10 steps to happiness

    In the world, people are either dreaming of happiness or remembering happiness. That is either being in the past or the future. But happiness is that which is in the present. Many times you postpone your happiness until some perfect future date, but it ne ...
  3. Happiness that comes from making others happy

    Happiness is of two types: the happiness of taking and the happiness of giving. A child enjoys taking things. They want to possess. You take children to a toy shop and that’s it! They would want to bring the whole toy shop home. They would like to grab ev ...
  4. The causes of unhappiness

    There is one thing that everybody is seeking, and that is happiness. It is not that people don’t find, they do find happiness but it doesn’t last too long. It is momentary; for a couple of hours or one or two days. But the tendency of the spirit is to fin ...
  5. Be Happy Right Now

    Every living creature wants to be happy. And to be happy, people seek something: money, power or sex, but often even after getting it, they are not happy. Or happiness is very short-lived. A child thinks he will be happy once he goes to college. Once in c ...
  6. How to remain centered in an unjust world

    What’s your reaction to these events? A person starving at one end of the world, while another makes garlands of currency notes for a party  A beauty queen winning a competition on the front page of the newspaper while news of miners dying from a cave-in ...
  7. What do happy people do that unhappy people don’t?

    We see many kinds of people in our lives- some happy, others not so. Since happiness is subjective, the same things don’t make everyone happy. After all, one man’s meat is another man’s poison.  However, while the causes of happiness are variable, there a ...
  8. Facts you didn’t know about happiness

    Happiness seems to be the goal of any action that we do and is also the key motivation behind our plans and actions in life. We are often unhappy because we do not know the real source of happy feelings. The quest seems endless and the rewards seem to be ...
  9. Your 3-minute guide to being happy (once you know, the rest is easy)

    People have tried to define happiness since ages. We may not know how to define it, but we know it when we experience it. We experience happiness in various forms of positive emotions ranging from contentment to excitement and extreme joy. We may define h ...
  10. 10 important things you should know about happiness

    Sometimes the truth needs to be looked at squarely in the eye. There are principles to certain things in life and happiness, too, has its own. These are not secrets but inevitable, liberating truths learned along the road called life. Here are some of the ...