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  1. Why You Should Learn Sudarshan Kriya | Wisdom Talk by Gurudev

    The benefits of Sudarshan Kriya explained by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. This is the official YouTube channel of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. ...
  2. Fall Nine Times, Stand Up Ten | Sudarshan Kriya | De-Addiction | The Art of Living India

    Job losses, pay cuts, social isolation, the trauma of losing loved ones, boredom, stress, anxiety and uncertainty, we are aware of the adverse impacts of COVID-19. However, we know little about how these elements have increased the risk of substance abuse ...
  3. Is Sudarshan Kriya and Kriya Yoga same?

    Kriya Yoga is a compound word meaning yoga of action and is a lifetime practice, whereas Sudarshan Kriya is a robust breathing technique that is practiced on a daily basis to improve or keep intact- physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual ...
  4. How Sahaj Samadhi Meditation enhances the benefits of Sudarshan Kriya

      I had been practicing Sudarshan Kriya (SK) for quite some time when I heard Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar referring to Sahaj Samadhi Meditation (SSM) as the simple way to go into deep meditation and unlock the intuitive abilities in you. Sahaj Meditation ...
  5. FAQs on Sudarshan Kriya

    Michael Fischman: During the Art of Living Basic Course there is a lot of focus on the breath. Why is that? Sri Sri: Our breath plays a very important role in our life. The breath is the connecting link between the inner world of the mind and the outer wo ...
  6. Sudarshan Kriya Experiences

      General Reported benefits of the Sudarshan Kriya include: We practice Sudarshan Kriya every day. It gives us an ever increasing awareness of how to live in the present moment. Jill Eikenberry and Michael Tucker, actors and stars of the T.V. series L.A. ...
  7. Origin of Sudarshan Kriya

    Sudarshan Kriya came into being in 1982 in Shimoga, India when Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, now a leading humanitarian and a spiritual leader across the world, went into a ten-day period of silence. “I had already traveled around the world. I had taught yoga and ...
  8. 10 reasons why every 18+ should do Sudarshan Kriya

    You might wonder why there is so much fuss about “age 18”? At this age, you are given the status of an adult, you get your licenses and an acknowledgment from others about your eligibility in important matters. People start considering your opinion and yo ...
  9. Intuitive decision-making in business & management

    Did you know that before independence, entrepreneurial activity in India was confined to particular traditional business communities like the Marwaris and Banias? The factors that enabled these entrepreneurs to carry on their businesses included intuition ...
  10. 3 Yoga routines to practice before Sudarshan Kriya

    Sudarshan Kriya is a compact powerful breathing technique that has immense benefits by itself. Yet, certain yoga routines can enrich your Sudarshan Kriya experience. These yoga routines increase blood circulation and open up subtle energy channels and cen ...