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  1. Take a look at these effective herbs:

    . Ajwain- DIGESTIVE Ajwain is a strong digestive and nerve stimulant. It functions as a weight loss herb by drawing out deep-seated toxins from the body. Ajwain also heals painful joints- it is an excellent herb to address Vata issues. Ajwain can be take ...
  2. Top 10 Ayurvedic herbs and spices

    In the ancient science of Ayurveda, herbs and spices are viewed as the spiritual essence- the Kundalini- of plants. Plants and herbs carry in their cells the wisdom of cosmic intelligence and the healing vibrations of nature. Since ancient times, humans a ...
  3. Natural home remedies for diabetes

    Managing diabetes naturally According to WHO, 422 million people worldwide had diabetes in 2014, becoming one of the most common diseases of our age. The condition is a result of excess sugar in the bloodstream which further poses risk of damaging vital o ...
  4. Marma Therapy: Discover 107 Secret Healing Points

    What is Marma Therapy? Marma therapy is an important part of Ayurveda that helps to maintain health by cleansing blocked energy. The word Marma is of Sanskrit origin ‘Mrin Maranae ’. The Sanskrit phrase, “ mriyatae asmin iti marma ” means ‘there is likeli ...
  5. Diabetes & Food: 3 Myths Busted

    Diabetes is the presence of high blood sugar level in the body and as of 2015, it affected more than 415 million people across the world. Every year, November 14th is celebrated as World Diabetes Day to educate people about its harmful effects. As with an ...
  6. Ayurveda for Weight Loss

    Losing weight, like any other endeavor in life, follows the same universal principal, Short term Discomfort = Long term Gain. And with Ayurveda on our side it’s easy and faster to see the thinner self at the end of the tunnel, effortlessly! It is known th ...
  7. 7 Ayurvedic Remedies to control hair loss and re-growth

    Does your bedroom floor look like the floor of a salon? Are you horrified every time you comb your hair as most of it seems to be in your hand rather than on your head?! If you are, don’t fret. Every single person experiences some amount of hair fall on a ...
  8. Tried and Tasted: Summer Coolers

    Come summers, the mercury climbs steeply and leaves people thirsty and tired. Especially in the countries that lie on or near the equator, summers can be a rather difficult season to live through. To beat the scorching heat, people often tend to gulp down ...
  9. Currying Flavor with Curry Leaves

    Curry leaves are the aromatic and versatile little leaves that can transform even an ordinary dish like upma or poha into a gourmet’s delight. They are a staple part of the Indian diet because of their distinctive flavor and visual appeal they add to the ...
  10. Peppered with Benefits

    Think “Hot and Pungent” and what comes to mind is pepper, with its sneeze-inducing potency. Known world-over, black pepper is the world’s most widely used spice – and India’s most ancient one. Peppercorns were much prized as a form of commodity money and ...