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  1. Six tips for parents to prepare their children for the post-lockdown world

    End of lockdown! Hurrah! Mom, I am going to play outside right now! I am tired of staying indoors. Being stuck inside was a nightmare for some children.  But is it safe to go out now Dad? Corona cases are on the rise. With more people outside, how can we ...
  2. 10 yoga asanas to boost the immunity of your kids

    We live in times, where the dreaded C word – covid has infiltrated the vocabulary of the tiniest tots and toddlers.  Yet, we still hold out hope that it doesn’t become one of their first words! On a more serious note, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi ...
  3. 22 popular animal yoga poses and their benefits for men, women & children

    The earliest interactions of human beings have been with nature and the living creatures in it – the birds and the bees, animals, and insects, reptiles and amphibians. It is from watching them in action and motion that we have been most influenced. It is ...
  4. 7 Tips to Stay Sane While Your kids are Home During the COVID-19 Shutdown

    By Vivek Gulati | Posted: March 16, 2020 So my son’s school is closed for 2 weeks, and then there’s a two week break after that. When I first heard that he was going to be home for 4 weeks--with potentially no camp or after school activities--I freaked ou ...
  5. 10 useful Holi tips for parents

    Holi is one of the most joyful festivals and children are always enthusiastic about it. Bright colors, mouth-watering sweets and snacks, and water pistons, children love all this. As parents, you would love to let your child have fun. So, there are many w ...
  6. How Meditation and Trust Helped Difficult Children

    For some years I had been working with "difficult" children.  One day, I decided to invite twenty students from school to my home.  The principal and superintendent were reluctant to allow this. My insistence won over their fear, and we set a da ...
  7. 5 common mistakes parents make (& how to stop making them)

    If you are a parent, you will acknowledge that few people get advice as frequently as you do! It must seem like everywhere you turn, there is a better way of raising children than the one you are choosing to follow!  Some signs of good parenting These are ...
  8. A die-hard fan of the epic Mahabharata? These facts will stun you

    Amazing facts about India. Did ancient India have nuclear bombs?  Where was the city of Hastinapur located?  Do we have evidence of this site? For centuries, the Mahabharata and the city of Hastinapur have mesmerized generations. Even though, in reality w ...
  9. When people nurtured a love for sports- even 5,000 years ago

    Amazing facts about India. Discover the connection between Buddhism and  Kalaripayattu Which famous place in South India depicts a wrestler in its name?  You need to visit this place, if you’ve visited the Colosseum in India The rush of watching a world c ...
  10. 5 Simple Tips to Become Your Child's Best Friend

    Parenting is, unarguably, one of the most stressful jobs in the world! What with few reference points, loads of trials and errors, and delayed and irreversible results of decisions taken, you are likely to agree with me! Especially if you are a parent! Ev ...