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  1. What is spirituality? Is it important for people? Can youth also be spiritual?

    Yes, absolutely, spirituality is meant for everyone. We are made up of body, mind, and spirit. The body needs amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals. Similarly, what does the mind need? It needs happiness, love, creativity; all this is part of s ...
  2. What can we do to help the refugees get connected to spirituality when even their basic needs are not met?

    Why only the refugees? Even the slum dwellers are in the same position. See, you cannot go on supplying everybody with everything they need. You do whatever is within your capacity. Along with that, if the refugees are in the violent mode they can creat ...
  3. Is there any way to study spirituality scientifically? I want to do that.

    Yes, spirituality is anyways scientific. What does science mean? Systematic, logical understanding which leads to something beyond the arena of the known. Here, science is exploring into the unknown through the known. Spirituality is exactly the ...
  4. How do you connect to the different sections of society so easily and make spirituality relevant to them? Do you think that ISIS can be reformed through spirituality too?

    I never lose hope in anything. I only wish that everyone gets a taste of this. See, deep inside, everyone is a human being. If you keep aside your concepts and if you keep aside your intellect which has shrouded the beautiful soul, you will see ...
  5. How is spirituality going to combat materialism, separatist tendencies, corruption and criminality in the coming generations?

    Do you know the reason for criminality to exist? It is because of stress. And what is the reason for stress? It exists because people want to achieve a lot with very little energy and even lesser time. This creates stress and misunderstanding. They have ...
  6. How does one know if something is coming from one’s head or heart?

    The heart is stronger than the head. Anything that comes from the heart comes with passion; anything that comes from the head comes with ambition. Sometimes, both together, can bring up your feelings, emotions and thoughts. Do business with your ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, I want to win a minimum of 10 million Euros from the national lottery. I will give 90% to different Art of Living projects. Please somehow send me the correct lotto numbers to make this happen.

    If you want to donate 90%, then you should work hard and earn that money. That’s a better way to do it. Don’t look for easy money. Easy money will go away easily as well. There is ethics in spirituality also. If the coach himself is ...
  8. Why is India the favorite destination for enlightened masters? Why is India the only country that is bestowed with a rich spiritual heritage? Is there something special about this land?

    There have been saints in almost every part of the world. If you go to California, every city is named after a saint. Go to Quebec in Montreal, it is all named after different saints. Of course, India tops the list. It is like asking, why are the ...
  9. We would like to hear in your words the link between science and spirituality.

    This is my favorite topic. In the East, science and spirituality go together. If you read the Gita or any of the Upanishadas, they say gyaan vigyaan – science and spirituality must go together.In fact, in the six systems of phi ...
  10. Gurudev, you have compared religion and spirituality to a banana and its peel. Isn’t the banana peel important to protect the banana inside?

    Correct! Religion has its place. I am not a communist or an atheist who would say religion should be done away with. But what is the point of having a skin if there is no banana inside? If there is no substance, no human values, no compassio ...