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  1. Why so serious? Life is a game!

    If you’ve ever had a chance to be around Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for 5 minutes, you’d notice Gurudev is a man of immense wisdom, sincerity, and commitment. However, the one quality you don’t have to focus hard to notice is how Gurudev is always cheer ...
  2. How to be aware at all times?

    As a teen who grew up with ADHD(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), I could first-hand relate with the havoc a scattered and uncontrolled mind could cause. Therefore, resorting to  meditation and cultivating mindfulness every waking second became a ...
  3. Why being mature is the new cool

    Maturity isn’t something you either have or don’t have. It’s a spectrum and a variable. It’s how much you have, and depends on your reactions to the events in your life. Some people are better prepared for certain specific happenings in their life, and th ...
  4. The art of negotiation: saying ‘no’ with a ‘yes’ mind

    Browsing through the internet in the morning, a video clip caught my attention. It read, “Indian nod: Explained!” Amused, I spent the next few minutes watching it. Portrayed hilariously, it brought interesting perspectives on the expression of our thought ...
  5. How to take & create your own opportunities in life

    You must have noticed people who look like life’s choicest blessings are at their feet. The ones who taste success wherever they go. They look like a failure and disappointment have never touched them. Well, as they say, appearances are deceptive! One qua ...
  6. I discovered some secrets about judgments (after I became too judgmental)

    Last night, I was called “too judgemental” by a dear friend. While I was taken aback with her judgment about me, I decided to look within. So, I observed my mind. Since morning, chunks of judgments had been floating in my mental space: that colleague was ...
  7. 5 Simple Tips to Become Your Child's Best Friend

    Parenting is, unarguably, one of the most stressful jobs in the world! What with few reference points, loads of trials and errors, and delayed and irreversible results of decisions taken, you are likely to agree with me! Especially if you are a parent! Ev ...
  8. Why creativity might be just the dose you need

    Creativity is a simple tool, a little word that gives room to breathe in a world that is fast becoming mundane, strait-jacketed and routine. A world that is almost always mechanical. A few years ago, an article introduced me to ‘The Secret Garden’ and the ...
  9. Technology is becoming 10x more powerful every 5 years. It’s time that ethics make an equally fast comeback

    Welcome to the age of AI. From bots analyzing thousands of words in a few milliseconds to predicting our needs based on facial recognition- we’re at a cusp in humanity. The current fourth industrial revolution has made technology available like never befo ...
  10. Why everyone needs to dive into the ocean

    It is said that the ocean is a metaphor for many aspects of life. One could decide to explore the ocean by simply gazing at its beauty, sitting afar on its sandy shores. Hands buried deep in the sand, a few grains flickering on the hand, and a gentle, sal ...