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  1. 5 Smoothies to boost heart health

    Driven away by the choices of our tongues, we often crave tasty food and drinks. Food that may be low in nutritional value but high in preference. And sometimes dwelling on this kind of diet ruins our hearts. It’s time to shift our focus to a healthy hear ...
  2. 5 Side effects of Caffeine on your Skin

    A stress buster for some, a productive drink for others and a beverage loved by most is coffee. People who keep busy do not mind gulping one cup after another without realizing the side effects of coffee or other caffeinated drinks. While you may see your ...
  3. 8 Simple To Do's for Chronic Pain

    We live at a time when about 1.5 billion people (almost 30%) in the world suffer from chronic pain. The causes of pain could be many, such as a past injury, any prevalent illness like arthritis, cancer, or neurogenic or psychogenic reasons. And even thoug ...
  4. 99 Benefits of Sudarshan Kriya

    I always keep hearing about the innumerable benefits of Sudarshan Kriya from different people including celebs, friends, relatives, neighbors next door, unknown people, and lastly from my sister. This powerful breathing technique has impacted over 45 mill ...
  5. 9 secrets to success in 2021 by Gurudev

    Success may mean different things to different people. Everyone wants to be successful in life, but not many are aware of what success is. In a true sense, a successful person is one who manages life’s challenges with a smile. Isn’t this exactly what the ...
  6. How to make sure that you fulfill your New Year resolution this year

    Now that a year of restrained activity and more so, restrained dreams is about to get over, most of us are geared up to make 2021 our year. All of us can do that with faith in our dreams and abilities, some planning, and a bit of ancient wisdom. Begin you ...
  7. 20 simple things to do in 2022 for a better life

    Is this the New Year where you plan to make your life better like never before? Ever imagined that you grow as a person and nurture the human values and talents in you so as to live a more enriched life? If yes, then with the pointers below, it is going t ...
  8. Steps to find your sense of purpose at work

    He officially became an octogenarian that day- his birthday. – Sitting on his porch, sipping a cup of tea, he looked at the bright sun and felt the pleasant morning breeze. He was a fine, healthy man, high in spirits, cheerful and joyous. He had been thro ...
  9. What do happy people do that unhappy people don’t?

    We see many kinds of people in our lives- some happy, others not so. Since happiness is subjective, the same things don’t make everyone happy. After all, one man’s meat is another man’s poison.  However, while the causes of happiness are variable, there a ...
  10. Why complaining is ruining your happiness

    Simple steps to avoid complaining Happiness is a habit. You must have heard the phrase a million times. We have all been advised to be grateful for life’s blessings. Instead, most of us love to complain about its shortcomings! Somehow, we think we feel ha ...