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  1. Holistic Fitness: Is Yoga Or The Gym The Way To Go?

    The clang of heavy weights, the steady thump of shoes on a treadmill, the wall of mirrors, the anxious expressions, the instructor who means business and the loud rhythmic music- the standard gym can prove to be both, a motivating setup and an intimidatin ...
  2. Yoga for Gamers

    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy – this is a phrase we all have heard growing up. While the essence of this phrase was to emphasize on having a fine balance between working and enjoying your life, some might feel otherwise. For a select few, pla ...
  3. Anti-aging yoga tips to feel younger

    Aging is an inevitable natural happening. For the curious ones who want to know how to stay young, consider the practice of yoga, meditation, and ayurveda. These are the natural ways to maintain the health of the body. Here are some anti-aging tips from t ...
  4. Cupid’s Struck my Yoga Mat!!

    Valentine’s Day is back! For some it’s a pressure test, for others it’s about butterflies, for a few it’s about expressions and the rest just flow with the feeling! We are breaking the monotone this Valentine’s and making it adventurous! Breaking the ice ...
  5. Facial Yoga Exercises for a Smiling You!

    First impressions are the most lasting. And you only get one chance to make that first impression. Moreover, your face is the first thing that people look at. A smiling face lightens the mood, attracts people, and puts them at ease. A popular study reveal ...
  6. Rejuvenate your digestive system with yoga

    In Ayurveda, a healthy digestive system is referred to as the mainstream of our well-being. The root cause of most of the diseases is inefficient digestion. The metabolic energy of digestion called ‘agni’ helps in eliminating the body wastes and toxins. I ...
  7. Learn how to increase hand strength with these simple yoga poses

    Can you imagine a day with your hands tied? Right from brushing our teeth to cooking, from opening doors to typing on a computer, we use hands for almost every action. We use your hands so much that there’s a risk of getting repetitive stress injury, due ...
  8. Get Focus with Yoga and Pranayama

    A wavering focus is one of the major causes for low productivity at the work place or low grades at school and college. It is this same attribute that students, professionals, entrepreneurs and home-makers alike have been trying to achieve to uplift the q ...
  9. Yoga for footballers- A simple guide for better performance

    What does Yoga have to do with Football? This rather rugged game of football is associated more with the likes of Beckham or Messi or Ronaldo, huffing and puffing during rigid and tough fitness routines on the ground; rather than them stretching their ham ...
  10. Snatch Yourself from the Jaws of Pain

    Here is some news that might surprise you: pain in a particular area or part of the body may not always be due to a physical cause. It could be due to tension, more specifically, it depends on where in your body you “metabolize” that tension – back, shoul ...