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  1. Yoga Breathes Life Into You

      In the thousands of years of our evolution, we humans have certainly come a long way. The past couple of centuries especially have seen the most rapid transformation in our lives. But this transformation has also have had its flip side. Our lives are mo ...
  2. Yoga for men: Effective asanas to maintain wellness

    As a child, I grew up watching cartoon characters like Superman, Popeye and Hercules. These men were brave, strong and ever helpful. Whatever be the catastrophe, they would always turn up and defeat the bad guys, no matter whatever the size of their foe. ...
  3. 6 Yoga Poses for Dancers

    In  India,  the  ancient  life  science  of  Yoga  and  the  art  form of  dance  have  been  intertwined  for  centuries.  The  practice  of Yoga  brings  about  stability,  poise  and  balance  in  body,  mind,  and  spirit.  Similarly,  the  elegant,   ...
  4. Sparkling eyes for Facebook users

    Spending hours on your laptop does not probably leave you enough time to take care of that precious face of yours, which practically talks more about you than Facebook! They say, "Your eyes are the window of your soul!" How much effort do we put ...
  5. Improve Communication Skills With Yoga

    Inner balance found through yoga reflects in the personality and communication skills as well, finds out Anisha Sharma. When I started with yoga asanas and meditation years ago as a college student (thanks to my hostel warden’s initiative) I liked the aft ...
  6. Yoga And Time Management

    Does thou  love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff  life  is made of. – Ben Franklin Developing into a fully functional adult, for me, has been nothing short of a great adventure. I had moved halfway around the world from home, far ...
  7. Why Yoga Should Be On Your Resolution List

    Top 6 reasons to make yoga one of your New Year resolutions. Come December and out are those personal diaries which may be lying somewhere covered in dust. These diaries are out for a reason at this time of the year. For, it’s the time to exercise your gr ...
  8. Yoga Keeps You Going, Even at 50

    Recently turned 50, Srinivas Uppaluri is a perfect example of 'age no bar' when it comes to doing what he is passionate about. Then be it his work, a game of golf, daily yoga practice, or regular fitness routine – Srinivas makes sure that he put ...
  9. Yoga at Home with Family: Enrich Time With Family

    Sunset is a daily party time in my house. I can see you getting green, but some people have all the luck, you see! When the sun is waltzing off to the western end of the world, we are busy with a not-so-elegant scramble in the house- grown-ups, children, ...
  10. Yoga and Spirituality: Exploring the Connect

    Yoga is a holistic package for happy living. It provides techniques to unite the body, mind and breath, and connect to the inner core of our being – the spiritual aspect of our lives. Still Yourself & Shape Up With Yoga Postures Begin Your Inner Journ ...