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  1. What are the ten things to master in parenting?

    These days, children wake up in the morning and sit as non-participatory witnesses in front of the screen. They go on surfing the channels. Mothers have to remind them, “Hey, come for food.”, “Go take a bath.” or “Get ready for school”. Sometimes, the mot ...
  2. How to raise a successful teenager

    Raising teenagers is like sculpting the future. Today, as parents of teenagers, we have the opportunity and responsibility of creating the world to be. To bring a change in your teenagers and help them be successful, do read the infographic in detail till ...
  3. When should your kid join a music class

    Our relationship with music starts long before we’re born. The hearing sense is the first to be fully developed among all the senses. When a baby is still in the womb, it can hear sounds. A newborn exhibits happiness when listening to music. An infant hum ...
  4. Meditation for Kids- 7 Short meditation techniques for children & teens

    How often have you caught yourself looking wondrously at your child, admiring the energy, quickness, and dexterity before you? The pure, raw talent is awe-inspiring. One moment later, you make the inevitable ‘mistake’ of blinking your eyes. And, ironicall ...