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  1. 6 Foods to avoid in period cramps

    It was the first time in my life that I came to know there are certain foods to be avoided during periods. My mother-in-law reminded me to avoid curd during my menstrual cycle. Initially, I took it lightly, but later I found that not only curd but there a ...
  2. PCOD: Foods to eat and avoid

    PCOD stands for polycystic ovarian disease. It is a disorder in females due to hormonal imbalance causing the ovaries to produce immature eggs. This results in cysts in the ovaries and is a l e ading cause of infertility in women. This is mainly a lifesty ...
  3. Food that helps in menstrual cramps

    I remember my elder sister returning home mid-day from school due to menstrual cramps. My mother would worry when I had monthly cycles. But I never felt the cramps in the initial years. My friends shared similar experiences to my sister.  The Indian stati ...
  4. How to manage heart diseases

      “This World Heart Day, put a stop to heart disease before it puts a stop to you.” All was well when suddenly my uncle complained of cold sweat, chest pain and shortness of breath. Medical help came just in time. The doctor said these are the symptoms of ...
  5. How to deal with heart pain

      I am not sure if it was heart pain. The whole day I was engaged with a lot of footwork and cooking when, suddenly, an excruciating pain triggered around my left shoulder and chest. The pain was unbearable, and I was at a standstill in the kitchen until ...
  6. Mouth ulcer: What is it, symptoms, causes and treatment

      I was having meals when suddenly I bit my inner cheek. It took a few days to cure. Until then, I could not have any spicy delicacies. I am talking about mouth ulcers, which are usually painful, and may take many days to go. In some cases, it might even ...
  7. Yoga for Headache and Migraine Relief

    Migraine is a neurological disorder that causes recurring headaches ranging from moderate to high intensity. Typically, it affects only one-half of the head and can last from 2 hours to up to more than 2 days. When under a migraine attack, the sufferer ma ...
  8. Yoga for neck pain relief: A sure guide to living pain-free

    The fast pace of life today creates stress and tension that takes a toll on our health- mental, physical and emotional. The neck is the tender most part of the body. Lifestyle and professions revolving around technology require us to sit crouching before ...
  9. How Yoga Can Keep You From Joint Pain

    Do your knee joint or wrists or shoulders ache when doing trivial things? Is the pain in your joints limiting you from enjoying life the way you wish to? Are you tired of popping painkillers multiple times a day? If you said yes for either of these questi ...
  10. How to get rid of knee pain: Do these 5 knee pain exercises

    Your knees are hard-working shock absorbers. If your shock absorbers (knees) remain healthy, they will sustain a healthy upper body. Many people suffer from knee pain due to arthritis, osteoarthritis, or discomfort from hectic life. Say goodbye to these k ...