
How to manage heart diseases


“This World Heart Day, put a stop to heart disease before it puts a stop to you.”

world heart day

All was well when suddenly my uncle complained of cold sweat, chest pain and shortness of breath. Medical help came just in time. The doctor said these are the symptoms of a heart attack, one of the many heart diseases. It was alarming as my uncle used to take care of his physical health.

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Why has there been an increase in heart diseases of late? 

Sudden heart attacks in young adults show an alarming rise. Why are youngsters losing life to cardiac diseases, despite paying attention to their diet and fitness? 

Smoking, alcohol drinking, unhealthy lifestyle, negative thought process, unhealthy processed diet, poor sleeping habits, hereditary, hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol), and psychosocial stress are the major causes of heart disease.

Manage heart health

“Be disease-free to be healthy. Only then will each body cell blossom with joy.” Coronary heart disease gradually happens over time and causes a sudden heart attack. It is better to control it at an early stage. You can manage your heart in these six ways.

Enhanced external counter pulsation

This treatment is conducted for one hour daily for 35 days and is effective in 

  • Opening dormant collaterals

  • Forming new microvessels

  • Increasing blood supply to heart muscles

  • Improving heart functions

  • Improving chest pain and shortness of breath


A healthy diet reduces the possibility of heart diseases

  • 70% of water content in your meals helps cure heart diseases to a large extent. Abdominal fat is dangerous for the well-being of the heart. The water content helps to minimize fat around your abdomen and is good for managing heart diseases.


  • “You were all fooled by company-sponsored research that butter is not good for the heart, but now science says it is good for the heart. If you keep butter in your hand, it will melt. Whatever melts at body temperature can not clog your heart. Butter is good for the heart. It prevents heart diseases.”- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Therefore, moderate quantities of butter and ghee (made from desi-cow milk fats) can benefit your heart.

diet for heart

  • A diet rich in fruits and vegetables increases cholesterol-lowering compounds. These compounds, called plant stanols or sterols, work like soluble fibre.


Sudarshan Kriya (SK) is good for heart health

  • At a young age, you might not worry so much about cholesterol. But this is the time if you keep a check, it will not lead to fatal cardiac diseases. Sudarshan Kriya improves cholesterol and triglyceride (lipid) profiles: sometimes seen as early as three weeks, with no change in diet.

Sudarshan Kriya reduces the stress hormone cortisol

  • Inter Heart studies: Stress is the fourth high attributable risk to heart diseases after smoking, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. SK reduces the stress hormone cortisol by 56% after two weeks of practice.

  • SK reduces heart rate in just fifteen days of practice.

  • SK reduces blood pressure.

  • Some hereditary causes of coronary heart disease are assumed to be unmodifiable. By our thought process, we can switch off the genes - it is the epigenetic mechanism. Sudarshan Kriya rapidly changes gene (the building blocks of DNA) expression.

  • SK induces changes in the expression of genes in white blood cells (our immune cells) within two hours of starting the practice.


Ayurveda takes care of your heart

ayurveda takes care of your heart

Leafy greens, berries, walnuts, amla or Indian gooseberry, olive oil, arjuna and ashwagandha in your diet will help you manage heart diseases. Everyone has a unique body constitution, so there will be different problems and requirements. Thus, get a complete ayurvedic check-up from a qualified nadi vaidya to get a customized treatment plan.

Meditation strengthens your heart

  • Meditation improves cardiovascular functioning, including lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

  • There are positive effects of meditation on physiological changes like heart rate and levels of stress hormones.

  • A study published in The Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine reported that over 5 years, meditators experienced reduced incidents of cardiovascular cases by 88%.

Yoga for the heart

Every yoga pose has a significant effect on the respiratory system and affects the heart. (To find more on this, please visit our blog - 20 yoga exercises for a healthy heart.)

Join Online Meditation and Breath Workshop to learn Sudarshan Kriya, which improves your heart health. 

Reference link 

Research on Sudarshan Kriya

Related link

20 yoga exercises for a healthy heart


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