
10 Inspirational
parenting quotes

Parenting is rewarding, but sometimes it drains your energy for the silliest reason. I call it ‘silliest’ as things could have been avoided or resolved in a better way through improved understanding and mutual trust between you and your children. 

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inspires parents to sail through difficult moments. Some of these inspirational wisdom quotes from him can help you tide over difficult times. 

“You can be a good aunt to your children's friends & guide them; they might be more open to you than their parents. Similarly, their parents can counsel your children. Parents need to be loving uncles and aunts as well.”

Friends of your tweens and teens definitely have more influence on your child than you. Your kid’s friends might be influenced by you more than their parents. Your relaxed approach as you have no obligations towards them might actually attract them to you. Inviting your child’s friends at dinner is an opportunity to influence them in a positive way, and gradually through them, your child. Likewise, the parents of your child’s friends might offer different encouraging solutions to your child’s anxieties, uncertainties and emotional turmoil. Hence, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar suggests parents be good uncles or aunts to influence their children in an indirect way.

“Make sure children spend real-time with family and friends.” 

Don't let them drown in the virtual world of the internet. These days kids are addicted to mobiles which will hamper their holistic development. With judicious use of the internet, they will be conscious of gadget time and their blossoming will not be interrupted. Kids who spend real quality time with family and friends handle their emotions better.

“Your child should be participative in your life.”

It is tough to say a blunt ‘No’ to your child’s demands. You have to tell children that you can only give so much and they shouldn’t compare themselves with others. Don’t give them any false hope, but only a dream. If they demand a bicycle, encourage them to earn it as a reward for an achievement. Decide the achievement in agreement with your child. Prepare your child for difficult times in the real world. It instills sensitivity and belongingness in your child. Therefore, Gurudev has advised parents to make their children a participant in their life. Then children will not put demands on you.

“A child starts playing even before he talks as we watch games till the end of our lives.”

Gurudev emphasizes the importance of fun and play in the lives of children and adults. Apart from entertainment,  playing fosters cognitive, behavioral, emotional and creative benefits in them like strategy building, developing mental flexibility and coping with the ups and downs of life. Parents need to ensure that their children get sufficient time and opportunity to play with their friends. 

“Yoga and meditation: Indispensable for capacity building of the young mind.”

Parents and teachers focus on how to increase children’s grades, but improving the capacity of the child’s brain is ignored in today’s education system. Yoga, pranayama and meditation are virtually indispensable if you want to increase your children’s mental capacity. The need of the hour is not to create living machines of information, but robust resilient personalities.

“Emphasize purity of speech in children.”

It does not take long for the effect of impure speech to reflect in behavior. Protecting your children from foul language will save them from indulging in wrongdoings. Parents should closely observe their conversations with friends. If you hear foul language, chide them then and there.

“Arguments have not to be won by you all the time.”

If you try to win all the arguments, your kids might get upset as it could seem that you are trying to control them. Leave some space for your kid’s imperfection. A sense of humor with a smile is a way to vent out frustration in laughter. Ignore all negative remarks and see the difference it makes in your family vibrations.

“Too much pressure is counter-productive.”

The examination is a difficult time experienced by almost all parents, teachers and children. A little pressure is required to get the best results from your children. But too much pressure is counter-productive. For instance, when we tune in sitar, no sound comes out if the strings are too tight or loose. To get the tuneful sound, we need to create appropriate tension. Likewise, the right amount of pressure is needed to excel in studies. If parents and teachers leave them totally free, they will go wayward. Hence, slight pressure is necessary to make your children respond with responsibility in exams.

“The times are tough but the human spirit is tougher.”

Children who had to undergo traumatic experiences cannot be free from the memory of trauma. But they can feel freedom and relief from the pain associated with those memories. Parents need to support their children through difficult times. They have to invoke the quality of a human spirit in them. Meditation brings enthusiasm, dynamism, progress and the desire to do challenging things. Every challenge manifests new talents in your children and they start feeling stronger within.

“Parents need to encourage their children to be equally participative in academics and sports.”

Make your children realize their true potential by encouraging them to excel both in academics and sports.  Children who balance both develop better skills like discipline, concentration and time-management learned through sports come in handy. These qualities are essential to sail through difficult times. It may involve some hard work and smart work but will help in the all-round development of your child.

You could also attend a Know your child workshop to help you connect better with your child.

Inspired by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s wisdom talks

Written by: Pratibha Sharma

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Reference links

You can be a good aunt...

“A child starts playing...

“Emphasize purity...”

“Arguments have not...

Beat the exam blues. From 12:15 “Too much pressure is counter-productive.”
From 16:20 “Yoga and meditation: Indispensable for capacity building of the young mind.”

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