Teaching yoga enriches my life with serendipities and life lessons.

Your favourite verse(s) of PSY and how it had impacted your life.
"Drashtr drshyayoh samyogo heya hetuh": The cause (of suffering) to be avoided is the (false) union between the seer and seen. The above sutra is one of my favorite verses from the Yoga Sutras. It usually happens in our lives. We are sad because of our inability to distinguish between what is the truth and what appears to be the truth. As soon as we become aware of it, we can figure out the cause of our suffering. After becoming aware of this knowledge, it has changed my perception of problems. Earlier, I used to get affected easily by any sort of problem and hijacked by different negative emotions. After applying this knowledge, although I
am affected, I have the tool to analyse things rather than getting consumed by the emotions.
This knowledge can be validated from a scientific point of view. In science it is said, if there is a problem, then there is a cause for the problem too. If one can figure out what the cause is, then the problem can easily be solved. We often find that our intellect is overtaken by emotions. Instead of figuring out the cause of the problem we blame people and situations around us. If we apply this knowledge we can see, it is not people and situations but our inability to distinguish between the truth and what appears to be the truth that brings us misery.
What does teaching yoga mean to you? Why do you do it?
“We remember, 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 50% of what we see and hear, 70% of what we discuss with others, 80% of what we personally experience and 95% of what we teach others” – Edgar Dale
The purpose of mentioning the above quote was to emphasize the importance of teaching. For me, teaching yoga means not only helping others in exploring different dimensions of yoga but myself too.
Since yoga is multidimensional it can take a lifetime to understand it. Every day after practicing yoga, I can feel the changes in my body. Now, I am more energetic and positive towards life.
Starting my day with yoga has proven to be an energy booster for my whole day. I don’t know whether I will be a good yoga teacher or not but one thing for sure I can say is that it has created a positive impact in my life and for sure it will create a positive impact in others' lives too. That is the reason I want this knowledge to spread to as many people as possible. Although this world has upgraded technologically, what about tapping into the potential of the human consciousness? I strongly believe through yoga we can uplift the human consciousness. Thereby making this world a better place to live in.
Written by: Anubhav Singh
A little note: As community conversation facilitators, we believe in giving an individual the autonomy of expression. The views expressed in this piece are the author's own.