
The Significance of Kanya Pujan During Navratri | The Art of Living India

Navratri is unique and popular for many reasons. While it allows us to get involved in many festivities and celebrate with creative ideas, it also represents the richness of our culture. Navratri is held in honor of Goddess Durga, who annihilated the invincible demon, Mahishasura.

People celebrate women(through Devi Puja) in different forms and traditions on these nine days of Navratri. In many parts of the country, Kanya Pujan is celebrated on the occasion of Navratri twice a year (During Chaitra Navratri and Sharad Navratri). Kanyas or little girls (below 12 years) are invited by people to their homes, worshipped, fed, and sent back with gifts. It is believed that the Mother Divine resides in these kanyas and worshipping them brings good fortune, wealth, and happiness to people’s lives.

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The Procedure of the Puja

On the eighth day (Ashtami) of Navratri (or the ninth day), devotees invite nine little girls (or sometimes 18) to their respective homes. They wash their feet with water, wipe them and ask them to sit on a special pedestal. A sacred thread(moli) is tied to their wrists and vermillion is applied to their foreheads. They are worshipped and people touch their feet and seek blessings. A host of special dishes (kanjak) such as poori, chana, ghee halwa, sweets, and kheer are offered to them along with gifts like new dresses, bangles and money. 

The Story Behind Kanya Puja and Significance

It is believed that Goddess Durga had taken the form of a kanya (young girl) to defeat the demon Kalasura and end his tyranny over the world. Devotees believe that the Devi resides in little girls and worship the nine forms of Devi in them during Navratri. 

The ritual also associates with the fact that the feminine energy is compassionate and protects everyone from the clasp of bad feelings, ego, hatred, jealousy, attachment, etc. By worshipping the little girls, our society re-establishes that women deserve respect for the roles they take on as a protector and nurturer.  It also encourages society to forego stereotypical thoughts about women and help them become independent and confident.

Benefits of Kanya Pujan

  • The ritual protects India’s ancient culture and encourages Daan and Dakshina (donations).

  • Brings positivity, good thoughts, and a feeling of equality in us.

  • Reminds us that we all are part of the divine force and hence must protect it

  • Helps us achieve wisdom, good fortune, happiness, and salvation.

  • Improves the financial situation of devotees and ends their miseries.

  • Reminds us that women must be respected and empowered. 

  • According to the Devi Bhagavata Purana, we need to observe nine days of fasting and Kanya Pujan to pay gratitude to the Devi who fulfils all the wishes of the devotees.

Relevance Today

Although the ritual is age-old, it holds more relevance today. We see women moving ahead in all sectors of life and are on par with their male counterparts. More women are standing up for themselves and defining their lives on their terms. Navratri and every ritual associated with it celebrates women for their unique qualities, their extreme dedication, and instills peace in the world. It also teaches us to imbibe balance in nature, and look inwards and move on the spiritual path.

Based on inputs by Sareen Ma, Faculty, The Art Of Living

Written by: Supriti Tripathy

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