
How do you get rid of jealousy when the grass is always greener on the neighbor's side?

All the noble and great people who made history, be it Cleopatra, Alexander, or Mahatma Gandhi, ended up in graves eventually. Even the person you are jealous of is going to die someday. They will merge in the soil. Your own life is so ephemeral because you are not going to be here forever. You are in a sort of a transit lounge. Do you ever get jealous in a transit lounge if someone is sitting on a more comfortable chair than you? No, right! But in life, jealousy and other negative emotions keep cropping up, disturbing your peace, again and again. 

What can you do?

Here are 5 spiritual wisdom to overcome jealousy.

1. Life’s too short, be happy now!

Everybody is going to become a skeleton one day. You are not going to be here forever. Your shoe or jewelry may remain here for 100 years or more, but you surely won’t. Your jackets and shoes have more shelf life than you. Everything has more shelf life than you. Even the cloth you are wearing has more shelf life than your skin. When you see the transient nature of life in the context of the eternity of the universe, what is there to be really jealous of! 

2. Jealous in love? 

You are jealous of a person who is apparently with a guy or a girl you like very much. You need to be mindful of what is affecting you so much. Is it your own imagination of the romantic pleasures they are going to have together that is bothering you? So what! Let them do what they want to do. You be at peace. Just know that they are too going to pass away someday. The feelings of jealousy and possessiveness arise due to a closed mindset. Keep your heart open and know that everything will finish here. Nothing stays here forever. When you wake up to this wisdom, jealousy disappears. 

3. Don’t sit and analyze others 

Simply drop your opinions about others and you will be at peace. If you are sitting and analyzing people too much, then it is most likely that jealousy might ferment in you! If you go behind correcting others, chances are that you might end up suffering.  Your focus should be on taking care of yourself rather. See, in life, you need to learn from everybody, as everyone conveys some precious wisdom to you. Some teach you what is right and some teach you what is wrong through their own actions. Isn’t it?! There is no possibility of jealousy arising in you if you see people with the eye of wisdom.

4. Have a higher perspective

Every time your thoughts are stuck with a person, a situation, or an object, know that it’s time to enhance your inner strength by renewing your perspectives. If you can perceive things in myriad ways, you will not feel stuck in life. Develop the valuable skill of seeing a person beyond their words or actions or achievements. This will make way for higher levels of perception, freeing you from the pain of negative emotions. All your anger, hatred, and frustration associated with jealousy will simply disappear with the power of wisdom. 

5. Let be and let go

When you can no longer hold on to, then just let go. Your life is much more than just being a success or a failure because whether you succeed or fail, you are going to die someday. Once you are set on this wisdom, you avoid comparisons, and then slowly the fire of jealousy is extinguished. When you apply brakes to a fast-moving car, it doesn’t stop immediately and takes a little while to stop. Similarly, when you stop comparing, then jealousy gradually disappears. You slowly become free from jealousy and other negative emotions.  And, in spite of this, if you still feel jealous, then never mind. Just accept it and move on!


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