Colors of Navratri 2023
Significance of the nine colors of Navratri 2023 Navratri festivities are filled with vibrant colors visible in...

Gurudev On The 9 Aspects Of Durga | Bramhacharini | Day 2
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talks about Bramhacharini, a manifestation/aspect of the Hindu Goddess, Durga and...

Gurudev On The 9 Aspects Of Durga | Chandraghanta | Day 3
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talks about Chandraghanta, a manifestation/aspect...

Samak and Sabudana Dhokla Recipe for your Navratri fast | the Art of Living India
In my childhood, my mother used to observe Navratri fast. I wondered...

What is the effect of Navratri on our lives
I always wondered why festivals are designed to be celebrated...

5 Navratri Fasting Myths and Facts | The Art of Living India
Navratri is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India. It brings us together, inculcates spirituality,...

Akhand Jyot in Navratri: Significance, process and do's & don’ts | The Art of Living India
I decided to write about Akhand Jyot (or Jyoti), as I assumed that performing its rituals makes me well-versed...

Things to Avoid During Navratri
Navratri is one of the most celebrated festivals in India. It...

The Significance of Kanya Pujan During Navratri | The Art of Living India
Navratri is unique and popular for many reasons. While it allows...

How Navratri Empowers Women? | The Art of Living India
The stotram “ya Devi Sarva bhutessu” indicates our reverence...

How to fast during Navratri as per your body type
Fasting during Navratri is an ideal way to detox, build immunity...

5 no-oil recipes for Navratri fasting
The popular and much-loved fried and oily food items are in reality more like the bad apples of a Navratri fast....

Mahalakshmi Ashtakam: Significance, lyrics & meaning
Lord Indra composed and chanted the Mahalakshmi Ashtakam to invoke the Divine Mother and seek her blessings for...

Navratri - Gurudev On The 9 Aspects Of Durga | Shailaputri | Day 1
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar talks about Shailaputri, a manifestation/aspect...

Gurudev On The 9 Aspects Of Durga | Siddhidatri | Day 9
The last day of Navratri is dedicated to Devi Siddhidatri....

Gurudev On The 9 Aspects Of Durga | Maha Gauri | Day 8
Sitting gracefully on a bull, holding a trident and a drum,...