Yoga for Working Women
How the downward dog pose can help you juggle boardroom meetings and household chores You may never have seen this...

How Yoga Makes Menstrual Cramps History!
Menstrual cycles can be a painful affair for any woman. During their periods, women around the world put up with...

Yoga Tips for Pregnant Women : Preparing for a healthy and safe delivery
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences gifted to...

Pull-ups For Women Made Easy With Yoga
Pull-up is an upper-body enhancing workout that helps strengthen...

Yoga for PCOD : Treat PCOD at Home
One in every ten Indian women suffers from Polycystic Ovarian...

Yoga for Menopause
Menopause is when a woman’s menstrual period permanently stops. This is usually associated with hormonal, physical...

Yoga for Pregnant Women
You’re expecting?! Congratulations! You must be – excited, scared, happy, and overwhelmed – all at the same time....

Fitness yoga for women: A simple guide to everyday wellness
Fitness is crucial to quality life. Ill health can definitely...

Shedding weight with yoga is easy, effective & long-lasting
“Oh my God, I am back to square one!” I shrieked. “And this time...

Confessions of a Yogaholic
“If you can’t handle just two children, how can you handle so...

Releasing Control by Yoga
These days I am practicing this habit where I release the need to control anyone, be it my children or my husband,...

Stress Relieving Yoga for Women
Of the two sexes that God has made, men and women, greater responsibility lies on the women in a family. Be it...