“If you can’t handle just two children, how can you handle so many children in a crèche?”
And this was the end of discussion. Again I was assured of my unworthiness of being able to manage a new business opportunity. Like everyone else, I also want to be a perfect partner, a perfect mother, a perfect daughter-in-law and the list continues. But not being able to do so, I was frustrated; very much frustrated and stressed.
A survey by Nielsen has revealed that Indian women are the most stressed out in the world. 87% of Indian women feel stressed out most of the time. This statistic alone has caused me to stress out. Even in workaholic America, only 53% women feel stressed.
But the good news is that there is a solution and this comes to me as a single word – Yoga. After having tried so many workouts from one gym to another to shed my post-pregnancy weight, I found one magic mantra for all my problems – Yoga.
When I started doing yoga regularly, only then did I realize that it is much more than just a physical exercise; although it is a very powerful yet effective workout. Yoga gives my mind the much needed rest and I come to know that it is really okay to be a little imperfect. It doesn’t really matter if my son doesn’t score the highest marks in the class or if my hubby pinpoints specks of dust in the house, yoga truly gives me the freedom to live my life. Up until now, it was never about me but everything else.
As a woman, I tend to judge myself with outer appearance. It also gives me immense pleasure to look special. Looks matter to all of us, although in various degrees. This is also one of the main reasons that cause stress. Have you ever felt drawn to a yummy black forest cake or a delicious pizza? At first, you decide to take just a tiny bite but end up eating more and more, only to feel guilty later on. This happens with most of us. Shedding weight is rather an easy thing but to stop at the right moment and to be in control is totally different thing. Yoga gives me that power to control my cravings.
A regular practice of yoga calms my mind and increases the flow of oxygen to the body. It does wonders for the system by flushing out toxins from the body and yet keeps me fresh by giving me energy to move on.
Most of the times, we waste our energy in thinking about our weight or about the food or about the workout routine that we want to start someday. I want to tell you a secret: the most important part of our body that can give us long lasting result is our very own ‘brain’. And to tame the brain, yoga is the most effective and powerful tool.
So, the next time when you are stressed or feel like throwing everything away or when you want a much needed break, take shelter in yoga. I assure you that it’ll be worth it and will only get you addicted to it. Soon enough, you’ll also turn into a yogaholic!
Yoga practice helps develop the body and mind bringing a lot of health benefits yet is not a substitute for medicine. It is important to learn and practice yoga postures under the supervision of a trained Sri Sri Yoga teacher. In case of any medical condition, practice yoga postures after consulting a doctor and a Sri Sri Yoga teacher. Find a Sri Sri Yoga program at an Art of Living Center near you. Do you need information on programs or share feedback? Write to us at info@srisriyoga.in