The Consciousness as Chitta and Buddhi (Subconscious mind and Intellect)
This consciousness, which has become the brain, which has become the inner faculties or organs, is of immense power....

Science, Creativity & Meditation
Science and meditation : in between is creativity. Science says, what is this? And meditation is knowing, who am...

Five Steps of Meditation
“Happy New Year to you all.It’s a nice way to celebrate the .What...

With Meditation, Source of Negativity is Nipped at the Root
Negativity cannot remain without a hook to hang on. can exist...

Tapping Creativity Through Meditation
Creativity is a wonder wand that churns out solutions to crooked problems, swirls about amazing creations, and...

Life Is Waiting For You To Smile
Our body has the capacity to sustain the vibrations of bliss and peace much longer than negative emotions. That...

How an Advanced Meditation Program can add more happy songs to your life’s mixtape
Remember the mix tape from your childhood? The family car trip...

5 lessons I learned from an Advanced Meditation Program
I recently experienced an online Advanced Meditation Program...

Simple lifestyle hacks for mild Covid symptoms
Experiencing mild symptoms of Covid-19? If yes, along with consulting...