Encyclopedia of the times long gone.. The Vedic Scriptures
With eyes closed I focused on the mesmerizing Hymns from the Vedas, chanted by the students of the Veda Agama School...

The Regional Traditional Scholars Meet
The kalakosa division of Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts (IGNCA) in collaboration with the Art of Living...

Navratri Celebrations Gallery
A Glimpse of Navaratri Celebrations - 28 September 2011 Navratri...

Stand up against corruption
I am a drop of water in the wave of change - I matter “Hands...

Dhanteras Special Shri Mahalakshmi Havan in Presence of Gurudev at Anaval
Maha Lakshmi Homa The Mahalakshmi Homaa is performed to invoke...

Maha Lakshmi Homa in Presence of Gurudev at Bhavnagar
Maha Lakshmi Homa The Mahalakshmi Homaa is performed to invoke the energy signified by Lakshmi. Lakshmi symbolizes...

"BE The Change" -A Youth Meet With Gurudev
BE THE CHANGE : (In Association With Gujarat University & Gujarat Technological University.) As per Globally...

Pranayam Dhyan Shibir With Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Pranayam Dhyan Shibir Pranayam Dhyan Shibir is a two hours workshop...

Mahasatsang in Presence of Gurudev
Maha Satsang: Maha Satsang is another occasion where we Sing,...

Deepotsav'13 with Gurudev in Bhavnagar
Pranayam Dhyan Shibir Pranayam Dhyan Shibir is a two hours workshop...

Shakti Kriya with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Shakti Kriya: This New Year Gurudev has spoken about two new...

Diwali – A celebration of Life
Diwali'13 With Gurudev in Gujarat Diwali – A celebration of Life in true sense Gurudev says; Life has many facets...

Enjoying Work & Life Together
Face 2 Face interaction with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on “Enjoying Work & Life Together” How many times...

Navaratri Golu : Festival of Dolls
Navaratri is a time when many homes in the southern states of...

Navratri Celebrations - Significance of Poojas
Pooja is formed by the combination of 2 words : "Po" and "Ja"....