Know Your Mind
Standing high on a mountain peak ... experiencing the amazing feeling of the cool breeze touching your face ......

Monthly Mindfulness Digest: September 2018
By Paige Reist | Posted: September 28, 2018 We know you’ve heard the term “mindfulness” tossed around lately, and...

Exploring the mind-body connection
Like numerous things in the world, says the ancient Indian Vedic...

What Is Meditation? How Ancient Yoga Sutras Explain Its Effects on the Mind (Part 2)
By Sriram Sarvotham | Posted: March 13, 2019 While most of us...

What Is Meditation? How Ancient Yoga Sutras Explain Its Effects on the Mind (Part 1)
By Sriram Sarvotham | Posted: March 13, 2019 The famous Austrian...

Start Your Meditation Practice with these Easy Mindful Breathing Tips
By Nelri Smit | Posted: July 03, 2019 “The man who moves mountains begins by carrying away small stones.” - Confucius...

7 beliefs to break up with for good mental health
All of us, consciously or subconsciously, nurture certain beliefs that can make or break our mental health. Positive...

Meditation connects body, mind & spirit to increase productivity
The pressures at work can be endless. It can be meeting deadlines...

How to become mindful naturally
In today’s busy world multitasking is the order of the day. We...

3 ancient techniques to manage and master the mind
Your mind is a vast field where all action - within and without...

6 new and easy ways to calm the mind
74% of Indians reported stress to cope with the new normal, in wake of the pandemic. This shows the urgency to...

Top 10 Tips for Mind and Body Wellness (Part-2)
This is in continuation to 4. Restful sleep If we can avoid television and the use of electronic gadgets 30 minutes...

Power of Subconscious Mind & 10 Tips on How to use it
We’ve all had moments of feeling defeated, guilty, frustrated...

What comes first? Mindfulness or Meditation?
Want to live life to the fullest? Without regrets or guilt? It...

Mind and Consciousness: Ask Gurudev Anything
At one level Consciousness is one, and at another level it is...