What is yoga?
yogaś cittavr̥ttinirodhaḥ ॥2॥ योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः ॥२॥ Yoga is having a say over the modulations or tendencies...

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-limbed staff pose)
Chatur means four; anga means limbs; Danda means staff (here, it refers to the spine of the body); asana means...

Benefits of Sarvangasana & How to do Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
Sarvangasana or shoulder stand is a yoga pose wherein the whole...

10 Easy Yoga Asanas for Beginners
Right from its origins from about 5000 years ago, yoga has now...

Matsyasana (Fish pose)
Matsya – Fish; Asana – Pose This asana is pronounced as mut-see-ahs-ana...

Tree Pose - Vrikshasana
Vriksha - Tree; Asana - Posture or Pose The asana is pronounced as VRIK-shAH-sana This posture replicates the graceful,...

Trikonasana Yoga & Benefits (Triangle Pose)
What is Trikonasana yoga pose? Trikona - Triangle; Asana - Pose The asana is pronounced as Tree-kone-nah -sah-nah ...

Padmasana (Lotus Pose) Steps and Benefits
Padma = Lotus, asana = posture or pose or position Pronounced...

Sri Sri Yoga Country Coordinators
Africa National Coordinator: South Africa Aarti RanchodEmail:...

The Importance of a Guru on the Path of Yoga
"Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom...

What is Hatha Yoga?
Did you know that the human body boasts as many as 72,000 *nadis? As if this were not enough, yoga texts disagree...

Jnana Yoga: The Path of Knowledge or Wisdom
What is Jnana Yoga? The Path of Knowledge The path of knowledge is the experiential knowledge of the Self. Though...

Sri Sri Yoga for Sri Lanka's Schools
In a historic initiative in Sri Lanka, The Art of Living's Colombo...

Yoga is the Preservative That Maintains Love
Patanjali Yoga Sutras - Knowledge Sheet 12 Contd. from As you...

Yoga and Observation: Yoga and the theater of your mind
With the help of yoga practice, self-observation is like watching...