
10 Tips to Wake Yourself Up Without Alarm: Sleep Secrets

Most of us are used to alarm clocks to either get up from bed or remind ourselves of our scheduled tasks. While we may feel that a sound alert is good to keep us going, it could lead to forced scheduling. What I mean is that dependency on the alarm could suggest that you might not be catching a sound sleep every night, let alone dragging yourself to a full day of work. And with the rising cases of insomnia, stress, and anxiety, we cannot ignore restlessness. 

The best way to start your day is by knowing how to wake yourself up naturally. Of course, you cannot begin the process right away as it would necessitate some lifestyle changes. The tips below will spill some sleeping secrets and help you wake up without an alarm.

10 Amazing Tips to Wake Up Without Alarm

  • Work Productively

If you peek into the schedule of your ancestors (when there was no clock/alarm), you will be surprised to see how disciplined their lives were. It was not just the absence of facilities but also dedication to their schedules that made their lives easy. They would always be up much before the onset of dawn and go to bed after sunset. You may find yourself getting good sleep when you have had a tiring day, but not so much if you have had it easy. Hence, it is essential to tire your mind and body to catch a good sleep.

“Keeping the mind happy makes work effortless. This is the skill for productivity.” 

                                                                                 ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

  • Count Your Sleep Hours

While this may be a point of discussion as each body functions differently, it’s still good to keep a count on your sleeping hours. While research says that one must sleep for at least 7 hours at night, the number tends to differ for individuals. It primarily depends on the stages of sleep which include the REM (rapid eye movement) stage.  While some feel fresh and energized with only 4 hours of sound sleep, others may take 9 hours to feel good. Hence, it is crucial to know the duration that suits your body and follow the schedule. That way, you would not have to wake yourself up with an alarm anymore.

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  • Indulge in Physical Activities

Physical activities help in blood circulation to all parts of the body. As you stretch or run, the muscles work out and wear you out. This stimulation helps get you good sleep, works up the sweat glands, and also keeps the mind engaged and free from stress and anxiety. So, pick your sport and keep at it. When you start enjoying the activities, you can’t wait to do them regularly. One of the fun ways to wake yourself up without an alarm.

  • Engage Your Mind

Get your focus on doing something creative every day. The new interest will keep your brain cells active, and you will feel the need to engage in something resourceful as you get up. When you have something interesting to look forward to, you can wake yourself up without an alarm.

“Life has chaos and life needs discipline. We must honor both. From chaos comes bliss, and from discipline comfort.”

                                                                             ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

  • Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is achieved through meditation and deep breathing. It helps calm you down in times of distress and helps you find solutions to your problems from within. Mindfulness brings awareness of your every feeling, situation, and action. And when you consciously tell yourself the need to start a day with a fresh attitude, you will be up and about without an alarm.

  • Spend Some Time in the Nature

Everything we do emanates from nature and so you must trust in the cycle of nature. As you trust nature, you feel connected to it. You feel motivated to begin your day as soon as you get up. If you haven’t experienced this already, you must start spending at least half an hour amidst nature every day and mindfully watch the leaves rustling, birds chattering, flowers blossoming, crickets chirping, etc. to feel the magic of nature. 

  • Clean Up Your Diet

In such times where food adulteration is so common, remember to do a thorough check on what you put into your stomach. If you eat unhealthily and consume junk food, you might experience digestive issues and feel lazy all the time, and even sleep during day time. Whereas fresh fruits, vegetables, and home-cooked food help you catch nutrients and improve your sleep quality. With better sleep efficiency, you don’t have to bother about how to wake up without an alarm!

  • Take Charge Of Your Life

When you take charge of and hold yourself accountable for your life, you get pumped up to live your life the best way. There is nothing that could inspire you better than you. Get moving, read a book, take a cold shower, play some music or catch up with a friend and make your day the way you want. With a zeal for life, you will never need an alarm to wake you up.

“Life is a combination of destiny and free will. Rain is destiny; whether you get wet or not is free will.”

                                                                                  ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

  • Follow a Bedtime Schedule

Pampering yourself before you doze off for the day can calm you down and make you feel energized in the morning. Follow a consistent schedule, practice self-care, have a light meal, take a warm bath, meditate or read a book before switching off the lights to sleep soundly. When you follow the schedule regularly, you build a bedtime habit that gives you adequate rest, and you wake up refreshed and full of energy. 

  • Adjust the Lights

You must keep the lights dim during bedtime to catch an undisturbed sleep. It’s a great practice to stop using your phones and tablets an hour before bedtime, as radiations from these gadgets can keep you awake. Also, avoid them as soon as you wake up. It can kill your enthusiasm for the day, and what would seem to take a few minutes could keep you stuck in bed for hours. Spending the first few hours productively after waking up could recharge you emotionally and prepare you for the day ahead. To wake yourself up without an alarm takes a bit of practice, but once you get used to the process, you will never need one.

  • Evaluation Is the Key

In the world of flaunting and dependencies, it is not easy to follow nature’s rhythm without getting affected by external factors. However, evaluation of yourself is the key here, which helps you improvise at every single moment. It’s not the question of how to wake yourself up without an alarm; the main concern is how to do anything naturally without the external environment dictating you! It’s you who has to decide with whom the power should rest on, because what you choose decides how you want your life to be!   

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