
Osteopathy: All you Must Know | What is Osteopathy? | The Art of Living India

Joint problems and low back pain impact more between the age of 30 to 50.  Osteopathy is a holistic manual treatment that can complement any treatment procedures to fasten recovery from any joint, muscular, organ, spinal and neural problems. 

What is Osteopathy?

Father of Osteopathy, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still (MD) brought our focus to the whole body to analyze a disease. That any part of our body is interrelated and interdependent on the well-being of our entire body.

Doctor Still’s philosophy partly corroborates the primary philosophy of yoga that our well-being depends on the state of our physical and mental health. The syllabus of the BSc Osteopathy degree course at Sri Sri University, Cuttack has been tailored to offer the best in traditional medical practices, the advanced knowledge of Osteopathy and the latest findings on yoga.

Students learn about expert hands-on as well as therapeutic techniques to improve circulation and correct postural problems and misalignments without using drugs or invasive procedures like surgery, etc. Also, how the right nutrition and yoga are integral to the regular well-being routine

Who is an Osteopath?

Who is an Osteopath?

  1. An osteopath’s range of action is wider than other doctors. They consider the body as one whole unit. 
  2. Osteopaths diagnose body structures that cause symptoms and diseases. Treatment processes restore the body’s inherent mechanisms to heal.
  3. Osteopaths treat with the help of detailed knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology and all subjects of modern medicine. They use their highly trained hands as tools to achieve the desired results of proper alignment of bones and muscles, soft tissues and most importantly the fluids in our systems like lymphatics and the arterial system, and the cerebrospinal fluid.

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Osteopathy vs Physiotherapy

Osteopathy vs Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy may sound similar to Osteopathy, but it’s not! 

  1. Physiotherapists play a vital role in health and rehabilitation with the prime focus on the musculoskeletal system, whereas Osteopaths focus on the musculoskeletal and organ systems, the fluid system and the cranial system. For example, a cell phone has hardware, software and charger. Physios work specifically on the hardware whereas osteopaths operate on all three. When taken together, Osteopathy acts as a catalyzer to enhance the benefits achieved with Physiotherapy.
  2. Osteopaths are trained medics who use special manual techniques to help patients out with health issues. Physiotherapists use exercises, gadgets and special techniques like hydrotherapy. 
  3. People may visit Osteopaths to relieve lower back pain, arthritis, shoulder pain, and muscle or joint pain from overwork. 
  4. People may visit Physiotherapists to relieve chronic back pain or neck pain. Physiotherapists also help to recover from sporting injuries. They also rehabilitate patients post cardiac arrest. They offer pre and post-natal care too.

Why Choose Osteopathy?

Why Choose Osteopathy?

  1. Only if you want to become someone who treats humans as a whole and not in parts, to enhance patients’ response to any disease, to rekindle health and wellbeing, or to facilitate health, you will choose Osteopathy.
  2. Osteopathy complements traditional treatment procedures. Hence, it doesn’t leave scope for an ‘either-or’.
  3. People opting for osteopathy minimize the chances of side effects from traditional treatment methods. Side effects of Osteopathy are very rare in the hands of the best osteopaths.

Benefits of Osteopathy

Benefits of Osteopathy

  1. Improved flexibility and mobility
  2. Deep sleep
  3. High energy levels
  4. Less stress
  5. Low muscular tension
  6. Bright mood
  7. Better memory
  8. Great mental and physical health
  9. General improvement in overall health

How does Osteopathy Help Improve Sleep?

Osteopathy Help Improve Sleep

Reasons behind less sleep are many. For example,

  • i) Stress and anxiety
  • ii) Poor posture
  • iii) Over-exposure to blue lights
  • iv) Pain and discomfort
  • v) Wrong lifestyles

Whole-body treatment and care for people suffering from different musculoskeletal problems help them lead a pain-free life with good sleep. Sometimes spinal misalignments can also hinder deep sleep. Osteopathy helps readjust and realign the spine, ultimately impacting sleep quality. In addition, osteopathy includes healthy lifestyle practices. All of them improve the quality of sleep.

Risks of Osteopathy

Risks of Osteopathy

  1. Mild/ moderate soreness on the treatment site
  2. Headache
  3. Fatigue

These temporary side effects appear within a couple of hours, post-session, and disappear in a day or two. Incidents of serious complications are very rare.

Overall, Osteopathy is an effective healing method to reduce pain and lead a good life. The career prospect of osteopaths is quite promising, given the popularity of alternative treatment methods and the reduction of dependence on drugs and surgeries.

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