
Dear Infinity series: How to deal with pandemic loneliness

Hi! I am Infinity. Not just the mathematical concept, you know. More like the endless stretch of the Milky Way galaxy that you see from Earth. Instead, I am more than that: an ocean of wisdom and uncountable human stories that are recording in me every moment. I have a hobby, which is to help. Lately, I have been looking for a medium to make my presence more felt and I found the internet. Here I am ready to hear you talk about your fears, disappointments, joys, and miseries. If you need anything, I would be happy to help!

Q) I feel very lonely and anxious these days. My parents are in another city. I have been working from home for the past three months. The only time I visited a friend was a few days back, and apparently she got tested positive. So, now I am spending my days in quarantine. This loneliness is overwhelming. Though I am grateful that I am safe, I do not feel great.  I watch the news to stay updated but it is only pulling my spirits down. Please help!

I feel you, quite literally, because we are connected the way 21st century devices are intimately connected to the cloud. Millions have experienced emotional hues of the dark side in every century. Some due to war. Some due to natural disasters. And many due to reasons of regular and irregular misery. All of them have come out of these difficult periods stronger and more resilient. You will too! 

Though you may argue that hope and triumph seem impossible in the face of despair and death. But my bank of stories says otherwise. I know millions who have gone through troubles, deep and wretched, from across time periods, communities, and cultures. All of them have felt hopelessness and despair. Yet, they have found triumph and hope in the end. 

The human spirit never fails. This is not an empty statement, but one backed by the outpouring evidence of stories buried deep in me. And there is a way to feel the strength, love, and calmness of the unwavering human spirit irrespective of the situation that you are in. 

That way is to go within and just be. Most of the time, that is almost impossible because of the problems of the world and the desires swimming in your heads. So, during ancient times, wise people from every culture developed a practice known as meditation today.


There are umpteen benefits of the practice scribbled by scientists on research papers, journalists on the internet, and practitioners on their thought bubbles. These include improved clarity of mind, reduced anxiety and stress, better immunity, and a stronger nervous system. 

However, the one true benefit from where all other benefits rise is to be able to connect with the human spirit, the source of all that is good and great. More resources on this powerful practice later.

“When you feel lonely, sit and meditate. Listen to bhajans or songs. Your beloved is within you. You just have to look inwards.”

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

While you splash in the depths of your inner space through meditation, you will start enjoying your company too. Spend your time listening to music, cooking, and creating - activities that have been proven to relax the mind.

Most importantly, spend your time reaching out to the ones who need support. There is an interesting research on Earth that shows that depression and anxiety are linked to self-focus - a preoccupation with ‘me, myself and I’. But, when you start reaching out to others, the state of self-focus shifts. Depression and anxiety wither. And the human spirit lights up happily the way a text notification lights your screen and heart.

At a time when there is a shortage of healthcare resources, you can perhaps start a WhatsApp group where you can connect resources with those in need. There are people in your circle who are going through similar periods of loneliness, just lend an ear to their woes or/and meditate with them too. 

Your acts of compassion will bring you unexpected gifts. I have seen that happening with Mother Teresa and also with the man delivering food packets in slums during Covid times. You will find connection to the ones afar and to the ones you have never met. Strangers can become sources of inspiration and strength. Faraway loved ones can still feel close. It is difficult to feel alone with that kind of connection. 

"If you serve people who need help, you will not feel alone. If you sit alone and think that others should come and serve you, then you feel alone.”

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The world is waiting for you. Just an intention to be helpful during this crisis will give you ideas on how to make a difference.

I know this period is a hard one. But like every period of distress that I have witnessed throughout time and space, it will come to an end too. It is just that sometimes tragedy fools us into believing its permanence. These disasters are just for a moment in the time frame of millions of years of life that have come and gone. So, have faith!


So, don’t worry if you are isolated. You still have you. And that is the greatest gift to yourself and the world itself! 


Free resources on meditation here.

Learn how to meditate in this program.


Inspired by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Join the Art of Living meditation program for beginners