As we begin meditating, many questions pop up in our mind. These create obstacles in the path of meditation. To help navigate through these hurdles, here are some FAQs on meditation answered by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
FAQs on meditation:
1) What is meditation?
Meditation is a form of deep relaxation. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a medium that helps you think of or concentrate on something. If you try to focus on a problem, you cannot relax. So what do you do?
You just let go.
Meditation is similar to sleep in the sense that it helps you relax. However, it is more effective than sleep because it relaxes your mind as well as your body. If you are familiar with the breathing technique called Sudarshan Kriya, you will have had a glimpse of meditation. When you are lying down after the Kriya, what is on your mind?
Nothing, right?! It is blank. That is meditation.
You might have experienced it at other times too. Like when you are really happy while resting, that state of mind is a meditative mind. Even when you are deeply in love and are reposing in love, that state is meditation.
Basically, when your mind is free from agitation, and is calm, serene, and at peace, meditation begins.
2) Why should I meditate?
With meditation, you can turn your body into a powerhouse, as you generate an inner source of energy. There are plenty of benefits: improved physical health, mental peace, happiness, clarity of mind, and developed intuition. Negative influences also reduce.
3) When I begin reading or writing, my mind gets distracted with other subjects. Please suggest how I can concentrate better and achieve my goals.
We derive energy from three sources primarily - food, sleep, and breath. When your body is low on energy, you eat or sleep. However, you also have to breathe properly in order to be energetic. So, if you learn pranayamas (breathing exercises), and practice meditation, and Sudarshan Kriya, it can change your energy levels.
Now, when you change your energy levels, your mind becomes calmer, and you can concentrate better.
Meditation is actually ‘de-concentration’ - letting go. It is a misconception that meditation is all about concentration. On the contrary, better concentration is a by-product of meditation!
4) In our daily lives, we have to perform a variety of functions: pay bills, park vehicles, earn a living, among other mundane things. Now, how can we go about the same dull chores every day with a calm mind without getting irritated or perturbed?
It is not easy to keep yourself undisturbed, but it will happen if you follow your daily practices i.e. the Sudarshan Kriya, pranayamas and meditation regularly. Then, it becomes easy to do even mundane chores cheerfully.
* Are you looking at starting your journey in meditation, or perhaps going deeper? Your journey can begin and end here. Gain access to a set of tools that will stay with you through life, enhancing every step of the way. Sign up for The Art of Living Meditation and Breath workshop and unlock the path for yourself.
5) I have no time for yoga and meditation. What can I do?
In reality, when you do yoga and meditation, you get more time! If you feel you have no time for something so useful, you might have to go see a doctor!
6) What is the best way to reach bliss?
One way is by meditating, and the other is by serving people around you. When you involve yourself in some service, you will feel good.
Seeing god within you is meditation. Seeing god in the people around you is love or service. Both go hand-in-hand.
On the other hand, the best way to get depressed is by constantly thinking about yourself!
7) Why is meditation so boring for me?
In the beginning, it may seem boring, but that will change. Stay with it! Go step-by-step. Meditation is resting in yourself - going from being seen to becoming the seer.
8) Why do old memories bother me when I sit for meditation?
It does not matter! Don’t lose heart! Let them come!
Say, “Come, sit with me, five-year-old, or ten-year-old, or twenty-year-old memories!”
See, the more you want to run away from them, the more they will bother you. Embrace them, and they will not stay with you for long.
9) Is there any maximum limit to meditation?
Just do as much as is necessary. There is no need to do too much.
It is just like when you take a shower in the morning to clean your body. Once you are clean, you can go on with other activities. You don’t have to keep taking bath throughout the day!
Meditation is like that. You need it to clean your mind, and once that is done, it is enough.
10) In meditation, what is the significance of “waiting”?
What happens in your mind when you have to wait? What is happening in your mind right now? Do you see time passing by? This very waiting can take you into meditation.
When you have to wait, you may either be frustrated or meditative. Meditation is feeling the time. Can you observe every moment that is passing by right now?
11) I always go to sleep while meditating! How do I solve this? Does this happen to everybody? What experiences do others have?
It’s okay if you fall asleep.
Also, don’t worry about other people’s experiences! Experiences vary from person-to-person and from time to time. Be with your own experience. And, don’t worry!
12) While working, we need to think intensely, and while meditating, we need to observe thoughts. How can we balance this?
When you are tired of chasing thoughts, meditate!
You can learn to meditate with the Sahaj Samadhi Meditation (SSM).