Often we sit and wonder what each one of us can do for world peace. There could be a terror attack in Germany or in India, and we think we don’t have the power to do anything. Stop right there, have you heard about the butterfly effect?

Scientists speak about the Butterfly Effect. When a butterfly flaps its wings in South America, it has an impact on the clouds that are hovering around China. While this is true, we cannot think that if we sit and chant, it will have no impact on the world consciousness. Every little thing has an impact on the universe because we are an integral part of this universe.

Chanting has a profound effect on the molecular structure of water, and our body is composed of 70% water. Using negative words and unpleasant sounds affects the molecular structure of water adversely. When we sit and chant these ancient mantras, the crystals of water take a perfect shape (implying harmony and peace). This perfection in the microcosm brings about perfection in the macrocosm, in our society and in the people around us.

Everything we do is through our thought. Before any action happens, it first arises as a thought in the mind and then we act on it. What is a thought? A thought is nothing but an impulse of energy and intelligence. If the energy generated from you is negative, then it will attract more negativity and negative thoughts. If you are in a positive place, then you will get more positive thoughts.

There is a lot of research on the effects of chanting and sound on flora, fauna, and animals and even on water. Water is composed of very tiny crystals. Different sounds affect the composition of these crystals. We all know about the effects of positive and negative words on water. When we say ‘Thank you’ or ‘I love you’, the shape of the water crystal changes, and so does the structure when we say: I hate you.

As a little experiment, water was placed on the ledge behind Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for two days of a Happiness program in Japan in March 2017. And a water crystal of control water was placed in an office in Tokyo, during those two days. The water crystal exposed to the 2-day Happiness program seems to have absorbed a lot more energy and became bigger. Also, there seems to be a mouth at the center of the crystal for breathing.

This shows that places store vibrations. And these vibrations that are created affect our thinking and behavior. When all of us here sit and chant, it will send across positive vibrations into the atmosphere. And these vibrations change the mindsets of people from negative to positive.

Even if one part of the globe is in darkness and caught up in ignorance, the world cannot be a safe and happy place. If a few individuals somewhere in some country or city of the world are stuck in negative thoughts or negative trends, we cannot have peace. Chanting and meditation will impact the world in a very subtle way. Start meditating today.
See how sound affects water: