
Do not try to subvert judicial proceedings at NGT with unsupported allegations

June 07, 2017

Dear Editor,

This is in reference to the article headlined “Art of Living should not be allowed to get away with damaging the Yamuna” dated May 30. We regret the attempt of Hindustan Times to subvert the ongoing judicial proceedings at National Green Tribunal (NGT) and force the authority into penalizing the Art of Living by hook or crook. As a responsible and respected organization, the Art of Living did not subvert any environment or pollution rules. If your reporter had followed the case like a professional and ethical journalist, she would have known that there is nothing to suggest, let alone prove, that we violated any rules.

Our lawyers are establishing that point of view with credible and scientific evidences at the honorable court of NGT. Your reporter has jumped the gun in her anxiety to tell the story of so-called environmentalists whom she couldn’t even name. The allegations of building ramps, flattening or compacting the ground, depleting groundwater, cutting trees, dumping debris on the Yamuna or scaring away birds are being challenged and scientifically dismantled as the hearing in the case progresses.​

The case will definitely be a test case for environmental legislation in India and that fact puts on us an extra responsibility to ensure that green activism is not allowed to be hijacked by a nexus of people with hidden agendas.

That is one of the bases of our objections to the findings of the NGT-appointed committee which has severely compromised its reputation with a series of glaring inconsistencies and flip-flops and their known proximity to the petitioner in the case.

It would be too much for any thinking person to imagine that the Art of Living will meekly accept the recommendations of the committee which has pulled it up for damaging wetlands that didn’t exist or destroying something that was already extinct! To top that we are accused of damaging 170 hectares when our event covered less than 25 hectares! We have full faith in the judges of NGT and that they will rule as per available scientific rationale.

We would request you to wait for the judgment and take cognizance of our story as the hearing continues rather than indulging in sensational journalism. By reusing a picture of garbage which was being gathered for disposal by our volunteers a day after the event (despite our clarifications then), HT has displayed their intention to deliberately mislead, misinform readers towards forming a wrong opinion of The Art of Living.

By taking out of context our offer for building a biodiversity park and accusing us of dithering on the payment of the initial compensation, your reporter has showed her prejudiced leanings.

Your reporter will do well to acquaint herself with the system before finding fault with us where none exists. With the full cognizance of NGT and as per procedures, we paid the deposit of Rs. 5 crore. There was no dithering. It wasn’t like paying back a debt. Paying a compensation in a case litigation has its own procedures.

We are very proud that the Art of Living has friends all over the world and in all places. And we are also equally proud of the fact that we never use that respect to do as we please and play fast and loose with regulations. We will win the case on its merits, which we believe are very strong.

Undoubtedly, a strong precedent requires to be set to send out a message that safeguarding the environment is not a matter of convenience and a money-making propaganda for some “can’t-be-named” activists.

We hope you will be fair enough to publish our rejoinder with equal prominence as the article in question here.