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Do not try to subvert judicial proceedings at NGT with unsupported allegations
Dear Editor, This is in reference to the article headlined “Art of Living should not be allowed to get away with damaging the Yamuna” dated May 30. We regret the attempt of Hindustan Times to subvert the ongoing judicial proceedings at National Green Tribu ... -
No notice of contempt has been issued to Gurudev by the NGT
This is with reference to misleading reports published in various publications/ news portals: Regarding contempt notice issued to Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar by NGT -- We would like to vehemently state & clarify that NO notice of contempt has been iss ... -
The damage is not quantified yet
Dear Editor, The article dated 23rd April, 2015 "World Culture Festival: AoL tells NGT it can't pay remaining penalty of Rs 4.75 Cr" is replete with misrepresentation and erroneous reporting. Please find our response to the same below. To report that The A ... -
‘The actual impact on various environmental indicators tends to zero as a result of the event’
This rejoinder is in response to the article titled 'First damage, then fix' carried out by The Hindu. The Art of Living's World Culture Festival and its much debated venue over a portion of Yamuna floodplain deserves intrinsic imperative for everyone to s ... -
To presume and build pressure in this manner on the NGT is highly regrettable
This is regarding your article titled 'Caught in a Steel Trap'. The Art of Living would like to bring to your notice the factual errors in your article regarding us. We would like to ask has the NGT passed its verdict yet? The hearing is still going on. So ... -
WCF was an event for the public
Dear Editor, This with reference to an article by Purnima S. Tripathi – Against All Norms - an outrageous and irresponsible article with a headline saying that "The World Culture Festival organized by the Art of Living Foundation on the floodplains of the ... -
The Art of Living has not flouted any law
Dear Editor, This is to bring to your notice several errors in the IANS report that appeared on ScoopWhoop (Art Of Living Says They’re Unable To Pay Rs. 4.75 Cr Fine For Damaging Yamuna Floodplains) and we would be grateful if you could set the record stra ... -
The Art of Living did not stand in the way of inspection
Dear Editor, This is with reference to your article published on April 25th, 2016 titled “Art of trifling.” To begin with, we should like to say perhaps the Art of Living doth not protest too much but forsooth it doth protest too late! We take great umbrag ... -
The Art of Living handed the land cleaner and greener
Dear Editor, This is with reference to your article 'Art of coverup on Yamuna floodplain' that appeared on Sunday, 24th April 2016. Your journalist Ritam Haldar claims to have arrived at the venue yesterday i.e. 23rd April, to find millions of bits of pla ... -
‘There are big powers which have big might, but they are not able to unite the hearts and minds of people’- Nouri alMaliki on Sri Sri
I write this in response to the self-proclaimed political pundit Rajdeep Sardesai’s misleading, pontificating column "Art of Living and politicians: When loyalty trumps propriety" in the Hindustan Times on 18.3.16. Rajdeep is not all wrong. Gurudev does me ...