
To presume and build pressure in this manner on the NGT is highly regrettable


This is regarding your article titled 'Caught in a Steel Trap'. The Art of Living would like to bring to your notice the factual errors in your article regarding us.

We would like to ask has the NGT passed its verdict yet? The hearing is still going on. So to presume and build pressure in this manner on the NGT is highly regrettable. Besides, what was there for NGT to forgive? The fact that The Art of Living had obtained all permissions from the authorities before proceeding with their event? The question has to be asked not of The Art of Living but elsewhere.

This is a clear case of guilty until proven innocent. Why should the PM not attend the event where millions from all over the world, including dignitaries of various repute, were assembled at this prestigious and falsely-implicated event?

It is telling on the limited grasp of the writer who compares this kind of a public, multi­cultural, multi­ethnic event, also a world first with weddings and birthday parties.

Coming to the ECWMA, the property in question was donated to Vaidic Dharma Samsthan Trust in Kolkata and the Trust has again obtained all permissions from relevant authorities for construction. Had you been fair enough to ask our side of the story, we would have been happy to provide you with the papers that stand for itself.

I hope you will be fair enough to publish this in the same space and with equal prominence with a suitable apology.