
5 Reasons why students should read Celebrating Silence

Are you as a student in search of a book that can sail you through your raging thoughts and conflicts in mind? In the last 13 years, the book 'Celebrating Silence' by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has touched millions of lives, all across the world. The simple wisdom revealed in this book can completely transform your life, giving you a bigger picture of things, and leading you into that inner silence. It is only in silence that the real celebration happens.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, “Some questions can only be answered in silence. Silence is the goal of all answers. If an answer does not silence the mind, it is no answer. Your soul is solidified silence and this solidified silence is wisdom, knowledge. When wisdom dawns, it gives rise to the celebration.” 

There are some special books that can cater to your immediate needs, as knowledge is something that needs to be applied at the moment, or else it is mostly forgotten.  It has been many people’s experience that when they picked up “Celebrating Silence” and randomly opened it to a page, they found the precise answer or wisdom that was required at that time.

While 'Celebrating Silence' is for everyone, let us see how this book can be of help to the students.

1. A cure for bad days

The students of today face many negative emotions like fear, nervousness, shyness, jealousy, and frustration, given the stress involved with present-day education. A child is hardly ten but has already lost his smile. A student like others may have to deal with a bad day, just like an unrelenting rainy gray day,  wherein moments of pain, embarrassment, or discomfort make you feel that the time has come to a standstill, and things are going to be like this forever. You might as well wish to travel back in time and undo or redo things, to regain your peace. Unfortunately, we lack such an invention! 

As a student, when you are faced with a bad day, you need some guidance on how to remain unmoved, whatever be the difficulties.  

Gurudev in this book offers a plethora of short wisdom on topics ranging from mistakes, doubts, problems, to politics to love, to freedom and discipline — to protect your mind and sanity at any cost. And everything is explained in such a simple way, that students are able to easily grasp and apply the wisdom. Any gloom that you face will only be like a passing cloud, as the light of wisdom begins to shine. The day is no longer a bad day!

2. Get to know your mind

Students face numerous pressures at schools and colleges, but dealing with the monkey mind is the toughest, especially during teenage. This book offers breakthrough wisdom on handling the afflicted mind.  Mind is a field of energy and knowing that you are being momentarily gripped by negative energy, is the first step towards mental freedom. The next step as the book suggests is to be a witness to your situation wherein you are neither trying to get out of the negativity, nor indulging in it, but taking things as they are, because that’s how the mind is. The book offers you timeless wisdom on the nature of the mind, and on how to stay natural during ups and downs.

3. Stress happens because….

Stress can happen due to bad habits. The nature of the soul is to be free, but bad habits give you pain, restrict you and bring stress. You may have a habit of worrying about exams and results, and when you do not know the way out of such habits, you get stressed. The book suggests you take a time-bound vow to come out of wrong indulgences. For example, suppose someone says, “I will quit smoking,” but cannot do it, he can take a time-bound vow not to smoke for five days. The book suggests you to not take a vow for a lifetime as chances are that you will immediately break it. Once you accomplish your vow, increase the time period and keep renewing your vows.  Students will discover such innovative wisdom to deal with stress and bad habits in the first chapter. 

4. Expand your talents

As a student, you are passionate about nurturing your talents and developing new talents. Talents can manifest in you only when you are calm and feel abundance, and not lack. What hinders your growth is a lack of confidence in yourself which makes you vulnerable to comparison, not letting you be at peace. You start to crave the talents that others have and are not satisfied with yourself. Gurudev in this book reveals that the talents you are seeking, are already in you in a seed form, and can be made to manifest. The wisdom on how to explore your hidden talents is explained in this book.

5. Let your intellect mature

Everyone wishes to be intelligent and nobody wants to seem like a clumsy fool. As a student, if you want to stop making mistakes and act intelligently, you’ve got to nurture your awareness. Wisdom has the power to purify your intellect and make it razor sharp. Make this your catchphrase— “A wisdom a day keeps your intellect from swaying away”. Start in a small way with one wisdom from this book every day, and see for yourself how your awareness increases and intellect sharpens, revealing to you that spark of intuition, in a short period of time.  Whenever you gain the ability to see a situation or person from the intuitive lens of wisdom, it does spark moments of happiness and joy in you. 

What has been presented here is only a glimpse into the wisdom present in Celebrating Silence. To find an answer to every life question, get your own copy of the book here

Know about the breathing technique, Sudarshan Kriya, practiced by millions to find a calm, serene mind, to begin with, every day. 


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