
What is the Significance
of Shri Guru Gita?

Shri Guru Gita is an ancient scripture with 352 verses in sanskrit that chronicles a divine conversation between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati on the importance of a teacher or Guru in one’s life. A part of the sacred Skanda Purana, Guru Gita has been sung in this land with reverence from time immemorial. It highlights the importance of a Guru in one’s life.

Importance of a Guru and Satguru

From our childhood, we depend on our parents and elders who hold our hands and show us the way. Then slowly, from kindergarten to the whole journey of academics (and even beyond that), we evolve under the shade of many Gurus who impart us knowledge on the different subjects and aspects of life. Ideally, in every phase of life, a Guru has to guide our path. There is a Guru however who towers above all other Gurus. He is the Satguru, an enlightened master who guides us on the spiritual path to lead us on the ultimate goal of liberation from the fetters of mundane existence. In short, when you find the true Guru, you find yourself. You attain self-realization.

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Who is a Guru?

The word Guru comes from Gu meaning darkness and Ru refers to dispeller. Guru is the one who removes darkness and leads us towards light. From a simple view point, anybody who can shed light on a subject might be considered a Guru. In the spiritual context, Guru or Satguru is the one who removes the darkness of ignorance and reveals the light of our true Self. 

“Guru is a tatva, an element, a quality; inside you. It is not limited to a body or a form.”

-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Guru should not be limited to a form, but is that omnipresent principle (tattva) which brings purity and freedom from our limited existence. Eventually, a Satguru only leads us to our Inner Guru, our Self. As per the scriptures, there is no difference between Shiva, Guru and our Self. Hence, it has been said, “When a disciple is ready, the Guru appears. But when the disciple is really ready, the Guru disappears.” It is to such a profound state of oneness that the Satguru leads us to. Guru Gita is a text that sings the praises of such a Satguru, who is to be revered and loved in every way.

“In Sanskrit, a disciple is called Antevasi-one who dwells within a Guru and in whom the Guru resides. The one who has realised that there is nothing other than the all-permeating Guru principle that surrounds him is called a disciple.” 

-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

So how did this much revered text come about?

Story Behind Guru Gita

According to the Purana, once when everyone was worshipping Lord Shiva, the Ultimate Being and the protector of all,  Goddess Parvati saw Lord Shiva bowing down and praying to somebody. Confused, she asked him, “When you are the Lord of all, and there is nothing beyond you, who are you prostrating to?” And the profound answer of the Lord reveals the great importance of a Guru. He said, “ I am bowing down to the Guru Principle. He is the Absolute”, thereby establishing the stature of a Guru. Lord Shiva then became the Guru and revealed a series of verses on the glory of the Guru to Mother Parvati, who became his disciple. These verses have been passed on to us as Guru Gita.

What is the Meaning of Shri Guru Gita?

The literal meaning of the terms Shri Guru Gita is as follows: Shri stands for the  primal energy, Shakti, Guru for the spiritual master who bestows grace, and Gita refers to a song that is revealed in verses. A continuous stream of holy verses or mantras that evokes the energies within us and connects us to the grace of the Guru is the Guru Gita.  

Why is Guru Gita so Important?

The Guru Gita benefits one as it glorifies and reveals the importance of a Divine Master who is a blossomed soul and showers his grace on the disciple. The verses in the Guru Gita are verily mantras that can help us access the higher power and attain peace. These verses empower all who recite them regularly, eventually dispelling all darkness and leading us towards enlightenment. Reciting the Guru Gita makes us overwhelmed with the glory of the Satguru, inculcating great love and reverence for the Guru. With devotion to the Guru and meditation, one is led on the path of spiritual awakening.

Let us now explore some benefits of the Guru Gita.

Benefits of Reading Guru Gita

  • Calms the Mind

The word Guru is the supreme mantra and is the highest reality. Gu means darkness, whereas Ru means light. The destruction of this darkness, leading us to the state beyond the three gunas is the role of a Guru. Listening to the verses of Guru Gita can make us experience the profound stillness of mind and take us into meditation. 

  • Fosters Devotion and Brings Grace

The recitation of the Guru Gita makes us feel gratified for the presence of the Guru in our lives. Guru Gita reveals to us the true reality and glory of the Guru. The devotion that comes with such a revelation about the Guru in turn manifests grace in our lives, leading us to the richness of the Self, away from the poverty of the gross matter.

“Devotion is your nature. When you rest in your own nature, there is no conflict. A Master is one who lifts burdens from you that you yourself cannot carry and kindles in you devotional love.”

-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

  • Purifies Emotions

When the mind awakens to the Guru Principle (Tattva) and you offer yourself entirely (through actions, thought, and mind) to the Guru, you become powerful. Your thoughts and intellect gets purified as you experience the knowledge and wisdom of the ultimate reality. The sacred vibrations of the Guru Gita can transform you completely.

  • Removes Craving and Aversions

Guru Gita shows the path of surrender to the Guru. With the flow of grace in you from your Inner Self and the enlightened Guru, you feel free from the opposites of good and bad. There are no cravings or aversions anymore as one has now completely placed himself under the care of the Divine Master. 

  • Improves Focus on Spiritual Path 

One of the benefits of reading the Guru Gita is that it reveals the meaning of life’s purpose to us. It empowers the life force (Prana) and effortlessly grants spontaneity and stillness to the mind. Not only that, by reading the text on how the Guru leads the disciple to the knowledge of himself, one embarks on the journey of self-realization, with added interest and focus.

  • Makes one feel Secure

The embodiment of a blossomed Guru in one’s life makes us free of prejudice and insecurities of life. Shri Guru Gita elaborates how the true Guru offers protection to his disciples and reveals to them life beyond the illusion of opposites.  The Guru protects us from the misfortunes, and obstacles of life. Having faith in and praying to the Guru with utmost patience, devotion and dedication, one attains knowledge, detachment and ultimately liberation.

  • Bestows Rewards and Removes Suffering

When you chant the Guru Gita, it ends all miseries and rewards you with gifts beyond your desires. Praying to your Guru is as powerful as praying to the boundless Lord Shiva. Just as a candle lights another candle, so does the Guru kindle the light within his disciple.


The Shri Guru Gita mantra unlocks the door to purity, gratitude and liberation. This precious text reveals how fortunate we are to be in this world and how we can live our lives with love and grace through the true Guru. The Guru teaches that you are limitless and when you bow down, trust and praise that Guru, you trust and praise his teaching. 

Guru Gita is verily the form of the Guru. When we chant Guru Gita at a rapid pace, it becomes a current of sound vibrations. The divine mantras have been compared to the holy Ganga as she falls graciously from the Himalayas. One of the largest glaciers in the magnificent Himalayas holds an enormous ice cave, that is the source of the gushing waters of the Ganga, erupting in an incredible sound. Just as the sound reverberates in your mind and stays imprinted, so does the teaching of Shri Guru Gita. 

Dhyanamulam Gurumuri, Pujamulam Gururpaadam, Mantra Moolam Gurur Vakyam, Mokshamulam Gurur Krupa


The root of meditation is the form of the Guru; the root of worship is the feet of the Guru; the source of prayer is the words of the Guru; the root of salvation is the grace of the Guru.

Guru buddhyaat mano naanyat, satyam satyam na samshayaha; Tallaa bhaartham prayat nastu, kartavyo hi manishibhihi


The Guru is the same as the Self, the same as Consciousness itself. This is the truth, the absolute truth and those who seek wisdom should make every effort to find their Guru.


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