
A new approach to deal with the nagging voice in your head

We all have a voice in our head that throws out punchlines for us to deal with from time to time. Many of the thoughts that our mind latches on to seem negative and make us feel lonely. Moreover, the mind delivers these lines so convincingly that we feel floored. How do we handle it? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar addresses some of these thoughts, and gives us a fresh and uplifting perspective on them. Perhaps these are actually the first steps towards higher learning and wisdom!

1. Life is so superficial

If you feel this way, you are lucky to have seen this. It means that your vision has broadened. You know what is important in life. The small and petty things do not bother you now because you are in vivek (wisdom). In happiness and in sadness, you are able to discern and discriminate. You can make a difference in the world, as responsibility and wisdom dawn on you.

Just as a speck of dust hinders your vision of a vast space obscuring your vision of infinity, petty things in life obscure your innate wisdom. When you can see that, you also overcome negative emotions like depression. You move up in life!

2. I am all alone

What makes you think this? What stops you? It is your problems. You know, everyone has similar problems. They relate to relationships, job, finance, health, worries about society, nation, world and environment, and perhaps me! What should you do? Just, wake up and move ahead!

Life is too short to solve problems - one after another. Just keep walking ahead. There is a power with you that is walking you through all your problems. Realize that you are not alone. 

Gurudev talks about how satsang can help you with this.  

Satsang is where you drop all notions of what people may think of you. The real you comes out. It is where you realize that there is authentic company – the company of the truth!

3. I am buried in worries

Gurudev says that only if you are a human being, you will have worries, and you are supposed to worry! If you don’t worry you are not a human being! But, your worries should be big. Worry for the nation, society, and the world. How will it be in two hundred years? 

If you worry about the big things in life, it will give you some comfort. There is no fun in small things. 

4. I don’t know how to solve my problems

The universe is a place where law or dharma governs. When our actions are in accordance with dharma, there is harmony. Otherwise, there will be problems. How do you come out of problems? You ask questions and try to find out.

Gurudev says that the spirit of enquiry is absent in arrogant, adamant and blind people because they think they know everything. When you think you know without knowing, no one can help you. However, this state does not last too long because the problems you create come back to you at some point! 

He talks about King Dritharashtra’s questions to his intuitive charioteer Sanjaya in this regard. 

He adds that every conflict has a good end. When you want to get rid of problems, you are already one step closer to solving your problems!

5. I am anxious about death

Death is a mystery - like birth. It is beyond logic and reason. Don’t obsess about why it happened. When and how death occurs is predetermined. It is not an accident. Only god knows this secret. Don’t waste your time and intellect on this. Respect it as God’s will.

As these mental thoughts recur, the only way out of them is to immerse yourself in spirituality.

What is spirituality?

Spirituality is something that uplifts the spirit. What uplifts your spirit? Meditation, knowledge about truth and reality, service, sharing yourself with others, contributing to the poor, and having compassion. 

Because of spirituality, there is honesty, creativity, compassion, dynamism, and most of all, energy. It also helps ward off depression.

Sudarshan Kriya can be your way out

Most of us are well-endowed intellectually. We know. But, when negativity comes, it overpowers us. At that time, all the knowledge that you have heard and read cannot stop anger, jealousy, and fear from taking control of you. What can you do? This is where Sudarshan Kriya, a simple breathing technique can help you greatly in overcoming negativity and taking charge of yourself! 

If you are interested, you can learn the Sudarshan Kriya at the Art of Living’s Happiness Program


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