A little fear in every living being is nature’s inbuilt mechanism to sustain and protect life. Imagine what would happen if people had no fear at all? Students would not study if they had absolutely no fear of failure. You would not take care of your health if you had no fear of falling sick. A little fear is useful.
The trouble begins when this little fear turns into paranoia. Understanding fear in the right way is the first step in dealing with it. Here are 11 inspirational quotes on fear by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar which will help you.
#1 “If you have a little fear - relax. Like salt in food, a little bit of fear is essential for you to be righteous.
#2 “Invoke the valor in you. Just say,’ Okay, whatever comes, I am going to take it as a challenge.’ When you invoke this energy, fear vanishes.”
#3 “Nature has put an amount of inbuilt fear in all living beings. This fear makes life defend itself, protect itself.”
#4 “The purpose of fear is to bring you back to the Source.”
#5 “When you make service the sole purpose of your life, it eliminates fear, brings focus in your mind, purposefulness to your action, and long term joy.
#6 “ A pure mind and an honest heart has nothing to fear.”
#7 “Be filled with love, be filled with gratitude, get rid of the fear in you by being in love.”
#8 “Ego creates this fear in you – what will the other think about me? Are they respecting me or not? Ego gives importance to someone else’s thoughts, which are, anyway, momentary. The ego needs the other to be there. All alone by yourself, your ego falls off. ”
#9 “Don't waste today for what happened yesterday. Wake up and say, ‘I have the valor and the courage to overcome this.’"
#10 “Go through life with dedication and commitment. Your life is dedicated to a cause on this planet. This brings valor, vigor, peace & stability.”
#11 “Wisdom from past experiences, spiritual practices, valor, and faith will help you sail through the rough patches of life.”
Feeling fearful in the current times is natural. Our breath and emotions are deeply connected. Learn to breathe right and overcome your fears.
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