
Quotes on Attachment
by Gurudev

Some useful tips on Attachment shared by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Do not try to get out of attachment. Instead, I would say, learn to be centred. Expand your understanding of life and of this creation. Then you will see that you do not need to make an effort to get rid of attachment. It will automatically go away.


1. Life is not a struggle. It is your attachment to your desires that makes it a struggle.

attachment 1


2. Attachment happens when your focus is on the outside. Wanting to control, possess and hold on brings pain. When we are relaxed and content, love transforms into bliss.

Attachment 2

3. Attachment gives pain because of ignorance.

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4. When maturity blossoms in you, an expansion dawns within you; that is when you stop getting stuck and entangled in small, petty things in life.

Attachment 4

5. Do not try to get out of attachment. Instead, learn to be centered. Expand your understanding of life and this creation.

Attachment 5

6. Attachments cause feverish breath and feverish breath takes away peace of mind.


7. Your non-attachment to the mundane is your charm. Your attachment to the Divine is your beauty.


8. Detachment is a very natural happening. When maturity blossoms in you, an expansion begins to dawn within you; that is when you stop getting stuck and entangled in small petty things in life.


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